Poll, Sanders Is Beating Everyone, Clinton Loses To Everyone

Pundits say that Bernie Sanders is unelectable, yet the polls say something different. He beats all of the GOP condenders handily. Cenk Uygur host of The Young Turks breaks it down.
“Vermont senator Bernie Sanders is a self-proclaimed socialist who wants to dismantle Wall Street, drastically scale back defense spending, and return power to the “people.” Nearly every one of his policy positions places him well to the left of his rival for the Democratic nomination, Hillary Clinton. So it stands to reason that Republican presidential candidates would be in a stronger position to defeat him come November, right?

Wrong. In fact, Sanders fares far better than Clinton does against every major GOP candidate — and the margin between the two Democratic competitors may well be growing.

The DNC would never let Bernie get the Democratic nod just like the RNC will never let Cruz get the Republican nod.

The RNC \ DNC and media elite and are not aligned with the interest of the people.


Title is wrong: "... Clinton is Beating No One" would be accurate, as she isn't losing to all candidates.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'polls, Sanders, Clinton, election' to 'polls, Sanders, Clinton, election, tyt, the young turks, cenk uygur' - edited by messenger


Bernie Sanders is awakening the angry voter.

But he doesn't have it for the long run.
I am hoping he gets the VP job to help clinton come back to earth.

She doesn't understand the ACA needs change and improvement. It's not sable and quiet like social security.

and I'm sorry we are in the information age and the news no matter how forward thinking has to start admitting that they are just polls. Actual votes are more conservative in general based on the voters preferences.

I'ts just fucking polls man.


Hillary is worse than Bush and Obama combined. I have no idea how anyone could vote for her, unless they are as corrupt or stupid enough to still believe her lies.

I really wish Sanders would win, but I highly doubt it. It reminds me of the Ron Paul hype that suddenly got so much air time and was mentioned so many times on the Internet, polls actually looked good for him. Yet we all know how that ended. Plus hes very old and we all know what happens to presidents who go against the establishment, the real people in power.


Bernie Sanders is awakening the angry voter.

But he doesn't have it for the long run.
I am hoping he gets the VP job to help clinton come back to earth.

She doesn't understand the ACA needs change and improvement. It's not sable and quiet like social security.

and I'm sorry we are in the information age and the news no matter how forward thinking has to start admitting that they are just polls. Actual votes are more conservative in general based on the voters preferences.

I'ts just fucking polls man.


The bullshit that people imagine up to turn candidates into mustache twirling villains is so hilarious. The mental gymnastics alone is so impressive.

Are our politicians stellar examples of humanity? Nope, but at least I can keep my complaints against them grounded in reality.

It just gets more and more imaginative every reality sh-er I mean election cycle.


Hillary is worse than Bush and Obama combined. I have no idea how anyone could vote for her, unless they are as corrupt or stupid enough to still believe her lies.

I really wish Sanders would win, but I highly doubt it. It reminds me of the Ron Paul hype that suddenly got so much air time and was mentioned so many times on the Internet, polls actually looked good for him. Yet we all know how that ended. Plus hes very old and we all know what happens to presidents who go against the establishment, the real people in power.


Well, at least some things dont change. Apologists. They still excuse every psychopath, no matter from what side.


The bullshit that people imagine up to turn candidates into mustache twirling villains is so hilarious. The mental gymnastics alone is so impressive.

Are our politicians stellar examples of humanity? Nope, but at least I can keep my complaints against them grounded in reality.

It just gets more and more imaginative every reality sh-er I mean election cycle.


...and the demonizing, I almost forgot about the demonizing.



Well, at least some things dont change. Apologists. They still excuse every psychopath, no matter from what side.


Not to mention the inability to know when to stop to not make a fool out of themselves.


...and the demonizing, I almost forgot about the demonizing.



...and the projection of their problems onto other people..

forgot that one too, my bad


Not to mention the inability to know when to stop to not make a fool out of themselves.

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