Planting Trees to Grow Forests | Eden Reforestation Projects

There is a difference between planting a tree and growing a tree.

We work with local communities to plant and protect trees that grow into healthy forests. To help ensure the trees we plant develop into mature forests, we plant native species at the right time and place through a variety of production methods. After four to six years, many of these trees naturally regenerate, and the ecosystem begins to flourish once again.

To learn more, visit

*quality restoration project. Now we just need 10000 more organizations like this and a time machine to get them back to the 70's and we just might have a chance at stopping forest loss. Unfortunately, today, climate change means native flora is struggling world wide, so just replanting them doesn't solve the big issue. You can't be successful at reforestation in a drought.

luxintenebrisjokingly says...

any homeowner trying to replace a tree knows that there is a difference between planting and growing a tree.

if only the effort to keep a wanted tree alive was equal to the ease of raising the bastard tree growing along the fencing, against the house, or rising out of flower beds was the street would be w/o a canopy.

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