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siftbotThis video has been marked NSFW (called by gold star member bl968)
FletchWhat makes you think they are PETA? There is no mention of PETA in the video or accompanying the original at BREAK. I mean... talk about "obnoxious", "self-righteous", "unintelligent", and "overly reactionary". LOL! They are "overly reactionary", but you would have smashed the video camera? Whose the hypocrite?
budzosI called them PETA "fans", which means I am not claiming they're in PETA.
They are definitely PETA types.... look at the way they react to the handling of the dogs... clearly people who're more interested in capitalizing on their sympathy for dogs in terms of politics, but don't actually spend much time doing anything with animals. These are people who think their love for animals supercedes the lifestyle choices of other human beings. Or do you think they were normal civilians, hanging out in the marsh with a video camera?
Yes, if you try to physically oppress me or interfere with my life, and get it on tape in an effort to preserve your self-aggrandizing gesture for posterity, I will smash your fucking camera.
All you have to do is stay out of my way and not physically try to stop me doing something I have every legal right to do, and we'll get along perfectly. Otherwise, interfere at your own risk.
I don't hunt by the way, and would never want to.
FletchAnd you also called them PETA fascists, PETA twits, and put PETA in the tags. Of course you are claiming they are PETA, or at least trying to make everyone who sees this believe that they are. Normal civilians? You think PETA is some sort of military organization? "Normal" people can't be in PETA? Do you think those two guys in the boat actually felt oppressed? By that little girl?!? Errrr... sorry... that little "broad". Grow up, tough guy.
budzosFletch, don't be dense. Are you trolling? I did not claim they are in PETA (snip me repeating myself)...
PETA means People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. They go around performing self-glorifying acts, and people align themselves with the cause mainly as a fashion statement. Then you have the devotees, like I suspect the people in the clip are. They try to get into the game with guerilla actions that interfere with other human beings' lives. So whether they're in PETA or not, they're certainly in the spirit.
Of course I don't think PETA is a military organization. "Normal civilians" are those who don't consider themselves on any mission, and just go about life without interfering with others. Maybe that's too nuanced for you.
And whether the guys felt oppressed or not, the girl was certainly doing her best to oppress them.
persephoneYou don't get much classier than those blokes. They look and sound like they could be from these parts. Makes me proud to be a Queenslander, home of the roo-shootin', pig-huntin' type.
aidoshmmm. have to agree with Fletch on this one. it seems to me you're making a lot of assumptions about those involved... I definitely got the impression from the description that they were actually PETA members.

I certainly don't agree with the actions of the girl involved but I think the whole post is loaded.... trolling even
budzosPost edited for the simple minds.
aidosyep. that attitude pretty much sums up what I'm talking about. most animal rights activists have I have encountered (the trend followers) just want to save the cute animals, they don't give a carp about the rest.
But I do applaud those serious(non fanatical) animal rights activists who know what they are doing and are not following a stupid trend.
BillOreillyThose peta fanatics are lucky they didn't get seriously hurt.
bamdrewtitles still not correct.
i'm no fan of peta, just pointing out that you're still guessing at affiliations for the sake of simplicity. i hope you understand why this matters.
Baquetasays...Have to say I'm with Fletch on this one. Whilst I basically agree with the title as a statement (PETA are in many cases both seriously misguided and extremely over-zealous in my opinion) there appears to be no evidence that the dumb chick in this video is a member.
If you're going to throw insults like "unintelligent" "out of touch" and "self-righteous" around, it's really important to get your facts straight.
budzosI've changed the title and description yet again, but I am truly baffled by the comments.... I NEVER FUCKING SAID THEY WERE IN PETA. I SAID THEY WERE PETA FANS, PETA TYPES, PETA WANNABES...
Words have specific meanings. You must read all the words in a sentence before you decide what it means.
persephoneThe video doesn't really give us much info about what's going on. For all we know, the boys have just nicked her stash and she's trying to get it back. It's hard to feel any sympathy for either party. The guys are a real pair of yobbos (the brown-eye says it all) and the girl, if she's indeed protesting anything is doing a pretty poor job of it.
KnivesOutI'm conflicted about vid's like this one.
Should I up-vote because I'm annoyed by this behavior, and I want other people to see it (and be annoyed by it.)
Or do I down-vote because I'm annoyed by this behavior, and want it to go away?
What are other's opinions on this?
Baquetasays...budzos: The original title of this clip was "PETA Fascists - Hypocrites With No Respect For Boundaries". That seems pretty specific to me, and that's what I had a problem with. The text in the description was fine at the time I read it. So, I should have said I agreed with bamdrew rather than Fletch. So sue me, it's not like I miss-titled a sift or anything...

KnivesOut: Personally I upvote if I think a vid is particularly worth watching, whether or not I agree with the content. We can't downvote anyway as we are star-less scum.
budzosOkay fair enough, I admit the original title, in isolation, would imply these are PETA members.
As for how to vote, do not vote for or against what happens in the video. Vote based on whether you think it's worth watching or not, for whatever reason.
dw1117This is my first down vote in a really long time simply because nothing happend. Its just a girl holding on to a boat. Perhaps if a boob shot was thrown in there it could be worthy.
budzosWell if you ask me all four people in the clip are boobs.
timefactorsays...While we're on the subject of the specific meanings of words, "fascist" doesn't mean: "people who do stuff I strongly disagree with". Look it up.
budzosDo you think I'm LITERALLY calling her a fascist, or do you think I might be making a point with that choice of wording?
A fascist is someone with an extreme political (usually right-wing) point of view who is determined to enact their beliefs through application of force. In the video, the girl whose world view is clearly animal-centric physically interferes with the actions of other human beings. Unless the hunters are breaking known laws, she's behaving as a fascist with regards to her political agenda.
CrushBugI have serious problems with any mention of PETA (I don't care how you dress it up or do what kind of word dancing). I am also offended by the tags of "dumb broad". Really, at this point you are just being a jerk on all kinds of levels. You added all kinds of meaning to the video that is not supported at all by what is shown.
Woman tries to hang onto boat.
That is about all that is going on here. Wish I could downvote for this.
SketchLook... There's a good probability that they are with PETA, or are at least sympathetic to their cause. I mean, really, would anyone who wasn't go to such lengths just to try to stop a couple of hunters? I think that we can all safely agree that there is at least a 70% chance of some sort of affiliation with that organization, or the Animal Liberation Front of some other radical animal rights group. And while the original descriptions of this video might be a little harshly worded and antagonistic, I think it's silly to argue whether or not they are a part of an organization that would clearly condone these actions except maybe to say that they should have gone farther.
budzosShe is a dumb broad, from the hunters' perspective.
rembarNothing good came out of this sift.
aaronfrI think we can safely all agree that 70% of the comment by sketch was completely made up
timefactorsays..."A fascist is someone with an extreme political (usually right-wing) point of view who is determined to enact their beliefs through application of force"
You didn't look it up. Don't use words whose meanings you don't know. You'll look less foolish.
budzosUh, no that is definitely one definition of fascist...
SketchWhatever. I was just sayin'... I really couldn't give a shit either way.
kulpimsdumb & dumber
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