Owner of a Lonely Heart


This is an excellent argument for the proposition that it DOES matter who is making pornography.

This feels good, because the setup is good. Girls, come and be sexy, have fun, that's it.

The biggest- THE biggest- problem with pornography is that most of it is nasty and gross and demeaning. Exploitive in terrible ways, and ugly because of it. This is SO hot because the girls honestly look like they are having fun.

Girls honestly enjoying themselves is way way hotter than what you find in your average smutty magazine or website. The point that I've been trying to get back to is that simply having the right people make pornography can and often does result in non-degrading, non-disgusting, awesome hotness.

Bear in mind that I realise that a: this is not pornography, and b: yes I know they weren't REALLY just dancing for a couple of schoolboys. My point is that it makes a convincing argument. Girls should make pornography. Not gross, crass, asshole guys should make porn. Girls should make porn of themselves.

Models look better when they are just having fun.


dude. they are paid to have fun. their special skill is to hide their true emotions and look "natural" on camera.

i kinda agree with you about porn being totally uninspiring, but you're sounding a bit naive about the chicks in this video.

Real girls on the bus are the hottest. ANYTHING which is filmed this professionally is fake.

*fake *fake *fake

and they ruined a good song by "updating" it badly, in a cynical move to guarantee sales they used an old song that has already been proven in the charts, then they put chicks in bikinis in the video, omg, this sucks.


This sort of cover where they take an old song from Leo Sayer, Steve Winwood etc and add some beats has been quite common over the last five years. In fact that reminds me of something I could post...


ugh! I thought I had covered that, but re-reading what I wrote I see that I wasn't entirely clear. Yes, I know they are being paid to act like that in this case.

This also isn't pornography. I think that it's entirely possible that these girls don't actually feel degraded. That makes their job (looking like they are having fun) that much easier.


lol djsunkid, i knew you knew they were paid, but in this case it didn't bother you i guess.

i still say music + chicks in bikinis + money + cameras = crap. It's like Mink's First Law of Music Videos or something.


" The biggest- THE biggest- problem with pornography is that most of it is nasty and gross and demeaning. Exploitive in terrible ways, and ugly because of it. This is SO hot because the girls honestly look like they are having fun... " hit it BANG on djsunkid!


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