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Oscar Flashback: Michael Moore tells the truth, gets booed

Michael Moore won an oscar for Bowling For Colombine, In March 2003 just as the troops were leaving for Iraq, he called the president a liar, and the war a lie. Guess that was more truth than even colbert could have handled, cause he got to be probably the first oscar winner ever to have been booed off stage.

The booers are just expressing their freedom of speech, same as Mr. Moore.

I never claimed otherwise, I mentioned the booing because its a) highly unusual to boo at an oscar winner and b)He was right back then, and this clip shows how far the corporate,GOP dildo was pounded up the ass of the American people only 4 years and 700.000 dead people ago. Funny how times change.


Actually, Moore wasn't being booed by the audience. He delivered this same speech at the Independent Spirit Awards a few days before and got applauded by essentially the same group of people. The "boos" were from a group of stagehands near open microphones. They had seen the earlier speech and planned a response at the Oscars. The shots of the audience during Moore's speech bear this out. Nobody in the audience is seen booing.


Nobody in the audience is seen booing
Well, we only really see Scorsese and Adrian Brody, and no , they arent booing, but no matter who it was, its pretty damn unacceptable behavior IMO, And it shows how crazy the whole USA was back then, the American people were so drugged on lies and fear they did not check to see what the whole world outside KNEW. Even to me, hey, I'm no Iraq expert, but we all knew saddam was no threat to the US, how the hell could he be?? All reports that came out of Iraq, Except for the stars and stripes colored ones, showed quite clearly there were no WMD's there. It was no "oops, Mistake, sorry!" these were LIES.. just lies, there is no other way of describing what Bush, Cheney,Rumsfeld,Rove and Powell did Pre-war. They Lied. And the sooner you americans figure that out and get these assholes impeached, the better.


I feel sorry for Moore -- his heart is in the right place, but he alienates a large portion of his potential supporters by his style of interviews and overall approach.

As a college student, I enjoyed Roger & Me, but only as a comedy. As I've grown older, Moore's films -- as documentaries -- are laughably unfair; he holds so much contempt for his subjects that he can't help but make it personal. Instead of getting out of the way and letting the topic speak for itself, he resorts to blindsiding interviewees, overlaying contrasting footage during interviews, and pulling outrageous publicity stunts. Can we really expect any truth from a referee who's already chosen a side?

All Moore's films are entertaining (as long as you're not being made fun of in the documentary), but it's not very truthful reporting. Honestly, I'm amazed more Americans can't see that. But fringe elements like Moore (and Hitler and Le Pen, and Nader and Perot) usually become popular when the mainstream news isn't reporting the hot button topics with unflinching honesty.


Why hell would you go off on a stupid political rant after an oscar? And what's the bull about speaking truth? It's his damn opinion. I could say Bush is the greatest and call it truth, does that make it so? NO, not by any stretch of the imagination. It's his OPINION, and I'm sorry that he has to take such a moment in his career to try and push his agenda on people even more then his overly bias movies do.


"All reports that came out of Iraq, Except for the stars and stripes colored ones, showed quite clearly there were no WMD's there."

What 2003 were you living in? That's nowhere close to the truth... and if it was, then you had special access to reports that not even Congress did. Fact is, both Red and Blue saw Saddam as a threat. Don't Monday morning quarterback with history here. It's a losing argument.

If you doubt that, give this a read:


Clinton successfully kept Saddam in check by enforcing the no-fly zone. Cheap, easy, kept his aggression in check and didn't involve the US any more than necessary in the politics on the Middle East. Read the book by Brent Scowcroft, national security adviser to George H.W. Bush. Here's what he said before Gulf War II in that notorious liberal rag, the editorial page of the Wall Street Journal:

The "reports" that Bush had access to was the raw, unverified intelligence - and what his administration did with it is proof exactly why competent Presidents trust Intelligence professionals to vet it. The Bush team cherry-picked what they wanted to get what they wanted - a long pointless (but very profitable for Halliburton) war and literal C130 cargo planes full of cash being shipped to the control of underlings chosen not for competence but for loyalty.

Please - try to do a tiny bit of moral algebra here, OK? What is Bill Clinton had done exactly the same things?


both Red and Blue saw Saddam as a threat. Don't Monday morning quarterback with history here. It's a losing argument.

I didnt specify "only republicans" that was my whole point, The ENTIRE US, except people like Michael Moore, was scared shitless of nothing. I was talking about UN weapons inspectors who were actually in Iraq at the time, I was talking about the French, who were RIGHT. Most countries OUTSIDE the USA did not consider Saddam a threat to much of anything, And most thought a war would cause more trouble than it would solve. Just before the invasion, Hans Blix (chief UN weapons inspector) said they didnt think there were any WMD's down there.. The Egyptian president said the war would create "A Hundred new bin Ladens", there were countless more examples. Just look at the "Coalition of the willing" what was that, like 4 countries?, guess the rest was just a bunch of cowards.

If you americans had actually looked up from your bellybuttons before playing world police, you wouldnt be stuck in this quagmire in the first place.


"Well in my opinion, what he said was true."
Ok, Repair man. But your opinion isn't necessarily the truth. Truth isn't something someone can wish up or think. It comes down to facts and Moore is so bias that he won't even conceder evidence contrary to his points. Therefore he limits his ability to interpret the truth. Hense why people should boo someone taking advantage of such an occasion to push such a narrow minded agenda.


Watch the video again. Moore got a spontaneous standing ovation! The "Hollywood Elite" (pretty much defined as "anyone with floor seats at the Oscars) gave his win a standing O. I checked this most recent Oscar telecast, and the only standing ovation was for Ennio Morricone, and that was a "Lifetime Achievement Award". People in the audience that night reported that the boos were not coming from around themselves.


It was in an article in Premiere magazine, with various attendees talking about their reaction. Sadly, they don't have their archives up yet. There were additional first-person accounts on and

But the main thing is the simple application of logic. The audience gave Moore a STANDING OVATION, accompanied by yelling and whistling. Moore gave exactly the same speech as he gave at the Independent Spirit Awards. There is considerable overlap between the membership of AMPAS and the Independent Spirit Awards. Do you think they'd suddenly boo a speech they had cheered a few days before? But there weren't any stagehands near the mics in the tent in Santa Monica. Their reaction was the basis of the joke by host Steve Martin: “It was so sweet backstage, you should have seen it. The Teamsters are helping Michael Moore into the trunk of his limo".

The Chicago Sun-Times reported this:

Moore wanted it made clear that despite the loud boos from the stagehands, the Hollywood audience was behind him: “Don’t report that there was a split decision in the hall because five people booed,” he said. “I did not hear that. I saw the entire place stand up and applaud, applaud a film that talks about how we are manipulated by the fear that’s put forth by the White House and put forth by corporate America to create a culture of violence at home and abroad.”

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