"Operation Payback" (group of hackers) fight for Wikileaks

More info about the group and what they are doing here: http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2010/12/hackers-website-bank-froze-wikileaks-funds/

But to make a long story short, the hacker group shut down the bank that froze Wikileak's funds Monday morning, and as of Monday night, the bank's site is still down. They are currently threatening to shut down PayPal as well.

From YT-
Operation Payback (is a bitch), this is the Internet, we run this. An open message from Anonymous to the governments of the world and their legal leeches regarding the motivation of the cyber protests.

Corrupt governments of the world, we are anonymous. For some time now, voices have been crying out in unison against the new ACTA laws. The gross inadequacies of the new laws being passed internationally have been pointed out repeatedly. Our chief complaint is that such measures would restrict people's access to the internet.

In these modern times access to the internet is fast becoming a basic human right. Just like any other basic human right, we believe that it is wrong to infringe upon it. To threaten to cut people off from the global consciousness as you have is criminal and abhorrent. To move to censor content on the internet based on your own prejudice is at best laughably impossible, at worst, morally reprehensible.

The unjust restrictions you impose on us will meet with disaster and only strengthen our resolve to disobey and rebel against your tyranny. Such actions taken against you, and those you out source your malignant litigation too, are inevitable, unavoidable and unstoppable.

We Are Anonymous,

We Are Legion And Divided By Zero.

We Do Not Forgive Internet Censorship

And We Do Not Forget Free Speech.

We Are Over 9000,

Expect Us!

>> ^tsquire1:

Ya know, any reasonable person in this day and age would join an anti-capitalist organization...

What does corrupt government influence have anything to do with capitalism? You could also, with little critical thought, say any reasonable person should be anti-representative democracy, anti-fiat money system, anti-foreign alliances and trade. The problem isn't as simple as that, unfortunately. The problem is more a problem of human nature being able to force entropy on any system. The real thing to be anti, is anti-the evils of the human condition.


capitalism has nothing inherently to do with representative democracy, fiat money, foreign alliances, or most trade.

the "evils of the human condition" can never be overcome either and is a ridiculous idea to begin with.


>> ^kir_mokum:

capitalism has nothing inherently to do with representative democracy, fiat money, foreign alliances, or most trade.
the "evils of the human condition" can never be overcome either and is a ridiculous idea to begin with.

I wasn't hitching capitalism to those things, but those things to the crisis. You could very well, without much consideration, blame those things for the current situation. Or to say it a different way, capitalism doesn't change the fact that men are greedy by nature. Men were greedy in communism as well, and the ruling class ruled on high as the people starved.

I am not saying evils of man can be cured, but they have to be taken as the prime evil of the system. Screw drivers aren't evil, people who use screwdrivers to stab people in the eyes are. Capitalism isn't evil, but those who used the government to gain an unfair advantage and muscles out competition, and now use that same muscles to silence critics are.

Furthermore, I don't see how wanting to overcome the evil of men is ridiculous. What is a hero if it isn't one who stands up in the way of evil and says no? Granted, it will always be with us, but if one isn't dedicated to at least its personal eradication, then all is lost.


i pretty much exclusively let only nerds into my vagina. but i've never wanted to put so many nerds in my vagina at once. i want to put anonymous in my vagina. i want them to live there and take it all down from inside me. then i want to give birth to the revolt. but they won't have to wear those stupid guy fawkes masks when they come out, they will wear their beautiful beautiful faces.


At times, things like this make me want unify all right-thinking people and to change the world "Atlas Shrugged" style.

But then i go and eat an aero chocolate mousse and forget about it, too hard.

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