Ninja Woman


She's had martial training, you can tell from her form-She twirls the long staff well enough, has a well-oiled sense of her center, quite grounded-BUT, if she wants to be a Ninja she's needs to be able to scale vertical obstacles with only the texture of the stone and the mortar seams to hold on to.

the last 3 comments....Remember Bruce Lee? He was taught by the best (IpMan-Wing Chun styles) and his version of martial arts was an amalgam of several styles. He called it Jeet Kune Do and the Chinese purists were saying the same thing about his hybridized, eclectic form.

Y'all remember Bruce Lee right?

This chick would throttle most posers.


I've haven't had enough experience with it to give an informed opinion. I've seen people practice it, but never with an opponent. That doesn't mean it doesn't work though. As I said, I don't really want to give an opinion on something I have only a passing familiarity with.

To expand on what I said earlier, I have no idea if this woman has any legitimate martial arts background or not. Her website lists "extreme martial arts" which makes me dubious, and "qualified martial arts instructor" but it doesn't say in what style, or whose accreditation she's qualified with.

It's quite possible she could kick seven shades of shit out of me, but I wouldn't call what is demonstrated in this video martial arts.

She's still pretty awesome though. I would kill for that kind of flexibility and co-ordination, but I'm old now.

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