My Mom's On Facebook

Things have changed now that Mom can use her laptop.

My mom recently asked me if I could show her my brother's "Facebook site". She heard he has one where he has photos of himself and such. She thinks it's one of the coolest things ever.

On a related note, she thinks Google is following her with satellites and tracking her data.


My mom is on face book and it has taken a full year to teach her the difference between posting something publicly and sending me a private message. She thinks everything she posts to my wall is for me only! - MOM - STOP IT!


guuuuuh. facebook has sucked ever since they opened it to non-college addresses.

why would anyone want thier family on facebook? seeing a dad comment on his daughters slutty halloween costume is just awkward.


I'm a mom, and I'm on facebook. I'm happy my son recently replaced his profile pic for one where he isn't smoking. I suspect he is much more deterred by *MY* mom being on his friends list than my being on it.


^It's a parody of a genre of pop songs in which young folks complain about their parents. It pokes fun at the collision between two Internet subcultures as the Facebook phenomenon grows.


That's why I don't want my Facebook friends watching what I do, post and say on the Sift!
On the other hand, I don't mind my Sift friends checking out my facebook...

Makes you wonder which ones are friends and which are just people you know...

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