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siftbotsays...Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Friday, August 24th, 2012 7:38am PDT - promote requested by critical_d.
Unsung_Herosays...I've decided I don't care how much the stupid people deserve what they are getting while watching a "Fail" video, I'll always much rather watch a "win" of humanitarian heroism such as this.
Fadesays...Stop saying god is great you dumb cunts. God did jack shit.
cosmovitellisays...>> ^Fade:
Stop saying god is great you dumb cunts. God did jack shit.
It's a catch all that means everything from Fuck me to Oh My God to Gitsum!
Also, when western life expectancy was at that level we were on the whole pretty dementedly religious too..
oohlalasassoonsays...>> ^Fade:
Stop saying god is great you dumb cunts. God did jack shit.
Hey, credit where it's due. Someone had to start the fire.
Morganthsays...I'm guessing Morocco. Can anyone verify this?
shogunkaisays...Good thing someone had a crowbar, that's why you don't put bars on windows.
thumpa28says...Videosift is obvious. Lets turn it into a religious argument herp derp.
>> ^Fade:
Stop saying god is great you dumb cunts. God did jack shit.
entr0pysays...>> ^shogunkai:
Good thing someone had a crowbar, that's why you don't put bars on windows.
In some places in the world you are guaranteed to have thieves climbing in your window if it's not barred. I'm sure the bars were there to protect their kids, but it's a tough decision.
mxxconsays...>> ^Morganth:
I'm guessing Morocco. Can anyone verify this?
youtube comment says:
A10anissays...Good job, but not sure of the veracity of the; "What an incredible display of heroism." description.
siftbotsays...This video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by Mordhaus.
siftbotsays...Awarding eric3579 with one Power Point for fixing this video's dead embed code.
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