Luckiest cyclist in Russia and quite possibly the world

Maybe even the world. Happend in Lyubertsy, Russia. No one was hurt. (dailypicks)

It looks like the truck was at fault to me - but that car was traveling hard so idk. I like how the truck driver is literally a passenger after the impact because he neglected to wear a seat belt. Bravo.


The upside down triangle across the street is USUALLY a yield sign. The camera being pointed this was would also be set up to catch license plates blowing it.


I am trying to understand what kind of traffic pattern is supposed to happen here. It almost looks like they have 2 2-lane roads side by side. Starting from the right side you see a car waiting at another light going away from the camera, then a truck coming twards the camera also waiting on the closer light. Then next to it is another lane going away and then the 4th lane the truck comes down and crashes from.

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