Maybe now we'll finally find out how he got so funky!
YouTube: New evidence supports the theory that King Tut's tomb has a hidden chamber, according to experts who this week completed the first-ever radar scanning of walls inside. Japanese radar specialist Watanabe Hirokatsu, accompanied by Egyptian archaeologists, performed the scanning in the tomb of Tutankhamun, pharaoh of Egypt's 18th dynasty, who died at the age of 17. National Geographic grantee and British Egyptologist Nicholas Reeves earlier this year promoted the theory that the hidden chamber could be the burial place of Nefertiti, the mother-in-law of Tutankhamun, and who is believed to have ruled as a female pharaoh, also during Egypt's 18th dynasty. While sight verification, possibly with a small remote camera, is under consideration for Egyptian officials, for now, Antiquities Minister Mamdouh ElDamaty says, "We believe that there could be another chamber."
The research—supported, in part, by the National Geographic Society—is being documented for an upcoming National Geographic Channel special to premiere globally in 2016.
articianThis looks awesome, but as an ad for an upcoming documentary, and given all the staff and management changes at NatGeo, I'm expecting this to be along the lines of that megalodon shit-show from a few years back.
PaybackGimme a sledge hammer, I'll check it out.
rex84says...A 1/4" hole drilled in the wall and a fiber optic camera w/ LED should reveal all, no?
Drachen_Jagersays...Don't you mean National GeograFox?
Also, the titles are idiotic. "Could there be more to this tomb than anyone ever guessed?"
No... because the fact anyone's bothering with the high-tech scans is pretty solid evidence that someone guessed there was more to the tomb. That and the guy saying people have been looking into these theories for centuries. Slight hint.
nanrodI'm betting that behind the wall is Al Capone's treasure.
newtboyI'll call Geraldo Rivera.
I'm betting that behind the wall is Al Capone's treasure.
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