Kids try Natto for the first time

It tastes how it smells!

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I've never heard of this, but it sounds an awful lot like stinky tofu, which made me dry heave, and I have a pretty solid iron stomach when it comes to external forces (smells, sights, ideas).

I'd like to see them give the kids durian because it stinks something awful, but doesn't taste like it smells.


Why is this a food??

What person said, it smells bad, it tastes bad, it's fermented (aka rotten) - Hey, lets eat this!!!??

Nattō is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis var. natto. Some eat it as a breakfast food. Nattō may be an acquired taste because of its powerful smell, strong flavor, and slimy texture.

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