Jon’s Response To Ted Cruz’s PACT Act Lies

Ted Cruz thinks Jon Stewart is a funny guy – so he’ll definitely enjoy Jon’s point-by-point breakdown of the lies Cruz is spouting about the PACT Act. The bill, which would give health care to sick veterans, is being held up by Cruz and his Senate Republican colleagues who are giving patently false reasons for blocking the bill.

here's the rub...

this is Stewart's issue - has been for over many years - and not caught him lying or misrepresenting this (or anything else w/consistantcy)*. in the past, he's had to champion the cause to get it passed: GOP being the snaggy hags. so, go w/him knowing the bill, what's in it, and hold his observatons valid.

on the flip side, it's plausible Cruz had a defense but he is the reason they read 'Don't Cry Wolf' to kids. [become an incessant lying punk and when you need people to believe you - it's another lie to them.]

discretionary vs mandatory smells of an obfuscation (the fist bumping after the bill was nixed didn't help the believability either). also the gall of a Republican saying they fear 'out of control spending' is rich w/irony.**

don't believe Cruz. believe Stewart. just prudent that way.

NOTE: if the Red would highlight the problems w/the bill, either by speech or postings (not f'n' opinion)***, it would go a long way to make their side to look honestly honest. and no, they aren't known for their veracity. or compassion. i.e. prove it pedro.

*only once he misspoke, then corrected it. w/humility. hell, we all make mistakes: voted for Reagan once.
**Bob's 'fear porn' exemplified.
***presented as 'fact' - please.


“Mr President,
Passage would not have been delayed if Senator Schumer had kept his promises. Good news is despite his mendacity, it will pass next week.
-Senator John Cornyn”

Seems they already gave up the lie about funding it and are now ready to admit it was pure political payback using cancer stricken vets as pawns in their game to get Biden and the Dems back for having the audacity to pass less than minimal environmental legislation.


John calls the liars out...and dares interviewer/news reporters to fact it/him...

...seems my spider sense makes sense.

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