John Wick: Chapter 2 - Official Trailer – Wick Goes Off

John Wick is back, with a new full trailer... and yeah, 'fraid so, he's working. I fully enjoyed the first one, and regret not having caught it in theaters.

Yay! Another movie where they solve all their problems with guns and violence and killing!

"I fully enjoyed the first one, and regret not having caught it in theaters."


Now imagine you're in a theater and pay me $13.50. Popcorn's on the house.


I fully endsorse solving all your problems with guns and violence and killing when you're Keanu Reeves.



John Wick scratched that "assassin movie itch" for me. I still like Stallone's Assassins (1995).

ChaosEnginejokingly says...

The one with Antonio Banderas? Seriously???

That is an incorrect movie to like.

Go sit in a corner and think about your life.


John Wick scratched that "assassin movie itch" for me. I still like Stallone's Assassins (1995).

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