Jesse Ventura weighs in on Gay Marriage

At the two minute mark, Jesse Ventura has a intense bit that cuts the crap about opposition to gay marriage.

6 of the 7 judges were Republicans who voted in California? Unelected sure then why did you didn't say shit during Florida in 2000? Jesse Ventura is totally right - the government has no goddamn business in people's bedrooms.

God says his top priority is to sending the Jews back to Israel by having 6 million of them killed? along with the homosexuals, radicals, communists, the mentally retarded.

I know understand why the Wright connection to Obama is so important to Right Wingers, they think Obama is just like Bush and Jerry Fallow or some shit.


I don't agree with Buchanan, but he seems to be a breed apart from many of his peers. He didn't get a chance to respond in the end, but he was still a gentleman about it.


Civil rights became an issue in the US congress because the states where the grievous inequality was occurring weren't doing anything about it, and it wasn't like southern congressmen were voting for it. Strom Thurmond fucking sat and filibustered for a little over 24 hours straight in an attempt to block the bill. It basically took a set of people not immediately connected to the popular vote of the southern states to do anything about it. Its great to think popular vote is the holy grail to all our problems, but when the dignity and integrity of a minority population is set to suffer at the whims of the majority there needs to be an intervention.


Why is the plight of blacks under slavery in the United States always compared to the civil rights of homosexuals? Is it really apples and oranges?
Why is the focus always placed on ancillary issues, rather than a cure to the real ills and evils of the world regarding empire?
Wonder me this: We're Africans in the 15th and 16th century, running free in the jungles of the motherland, confused regarding homosexuality? The numbers in the ranks of heteros to homos we're likely, relatively dissimilar as today and marriage, was not a Judeo-Christian construct with guidelines written in some book for them-while not ostracizing the few in the many tribes spread all over her continent, they were still placed in a mystical box, and given a special place within the tribal setting....but NOT joined in union with others like them rather, legend, superstition, and mystical positions were created for these, the very few with respect to the rest of the tribe. It has always been thus.
There are much more important things worthy of discussion with regard to the most pressing woes of the world, thank you nightly news, for distracting the masses, once again, with more Decoy Craptacular....and thank you, homosexuals, for coming out just in time to distract the western world, with more diversion-Being gay in America, is not the same as being Black in America. Being black in America is not the same as being black in Europe, either.... just as being a slave in the US, during slavery, was nothing like being a slave in Roman times-

It is a dead certainty, that there were less gay folks per-capita in the United States in the 1750's, than there are today, and the reason has nothing to do with not as many gay people being born, either.


"It is a dead certainty, that there were less gay folks per-capita in the United States in the 1750's, than there are today, and the reason has nothing to do with not as many gay people being born, either."

And with completely uninformed statements like that (and your inability to know the difference between were and we're), you continue to demonstrate your homophobia to us all choggie... (well, ok, the we're, were thing has no baring on homosexuals, but I found it painful to read).

The thing with gay marriage as a political point is that it's an interesting barometer of the candidate's ability to separate church and state, unwashed mass appeasement from what's really fair and just.

As Jesse said, why there should be any discussion at about gays being able to have a civil union is beyond most rational people who can see past religious doctrine. Trying to suggest that man-woman marriage is a bedrock of the modern world is an amazing piece of unsubstantiated crap, how do they come to that conclusion AT ALL?

What the hell are any of you who are against gay marriage afraid of? WHAT? What the hell will happen if two guys or two women get married? What? Will it suddenly create an explosion of same sex people being content and living peaceful lives in harmony... dear god, the horror.

F*ck off for even suggesting that it's a bad thing, really, f*ck the hell off.


Homosexual and black civil rights are not the exact same issue, but they are similar, which is why parallels are drawn so often. And it doesn't mean gays have it as bad as blacks have/had it. Yes they may be different branches, but its still the same tree of intolerance and injustice. Its an issue because a certain segment of the population is being treated less than equal, by the government interfering in their lives in ways it doesn't with other people.


so quick to judge-why say it's uninformed? provide research to the contrary....and harping on grammar when you know by now that I have a command of the language-or typos, sophomoric.

Again, a large segment of gay people shun the actions of the radical fringe.
Again-this issue, beat to death and offered as diversion, to keep humans minds off issues that dwarf the importance of weather Mary and Mary marry, is the real rub. Would you like me, to cut and paste a laundry list of the whys, that this issue, is a tragic waste of energy, for anyone, but the homosexual, exhibitionists?? Fuck man, like I have said before, I walked amongst the island of lost souls for 6 years in SF-they are emboldened there, because they wanted to escape persecution??? There are way more gay people in the rest of the US, that want nothing to do with these folks-they are there in SF, because they can paint that motherfucker pink, and live in goddamn Disneyland-
compare the less than vocal homosexuals, who live in relative bliss in their respective communities and have for years, to the person who is uninterested in voting for any of the candidates, because they realize at this stage in the game, they have no say anyhow, because so many idiots believe what the see on TV-homophobia is a (fringe homosexual)construct-that has made it into the lexicon, by agenda-oriented zealots. I fear not a goddamn thing, esp. someone's particular choice of lifestyle.....Is it enlightenment that has gotten us to the point in the US or the world, that two males or two females can make a public commitment in opposition of the prevailing societal mores, where for centuries the institution of marriage has remained unchanged....or is it a sign of stress fractures in a damaged world? Read some goddamn Roman and Greek history, child!!


>> ^spoco2:
I gotta say, Jesse sounds pretty damn right in everything he says here.
Who knew a 'pro' wrestler could be politically savvy like this.

Pro wrestling is just acting. Performance art. Such is politics.

From Wiki, on his run as Minnesota Governor.
Ventura went on to gain the highest approval rating of any governor in Minnesota history, with some polls ranking his public approval as high as 73 percent in 1999, despite controversial public comments. Later in his term, however, a decline in the economy and a growing unwillingness by the public to accept some of his more controversial behaviors and statements led to a sharp decline in his popularity. Citing undue media scrutiny into the lives of his family he chose not to run for reelection in 2002.


You know what really sucks being at the end of a long (what you think of as important) comment then brushing up against the back button on your mouse and losing it all. I suppose the short version will have to do for now.

I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about when mention the emboldened San Fransisco gays, but my assumption is you're referring to some assless-chap stereotype, and suggesting they are the mouth piece and agenda of the gay rights movement, if that is the case, they are not. Yes they may be loud and vocal, but that doesn't mean they're the agenda for the homosexual rights.

You also seem to suggest gays should be quiet, accept thing, take their kicks like good little dogs, and be thankful they're alive at all and live in that relative bliss. There is no bliss in being afraid that uttering two words can instantly change change someones opinion of you from respect to being despised, and there is no bliss with a government that supports such attitudes by failing to recognize homosexuals as people with rights equal to that of all citizens.

It is not a distracter issue, it resonates from the same core problems that I feel is the source for all the issues currently on the table in this debate. Rich white (pseudo) Christians who seem bent on using the government to give themselves every advantage and mold the country to fit their ideology. And before the argument that the gay liberals are doing the same pops up I think the main difference is one is saying they want to be able to do as they want and the other is saying everyone should live as them (or be subjected to degradation).


Pat says gay marriage lost in MS 58% to 85%. Wow, I didn't know Mississippi had a 143% voter turn out. Maybe if you count all the dead republicans that walk out of the cemetery and vote.


/\ From the same logic that brought you;

Inmate - opposite of mate; enemy.
Extractor - used to be a tractor.
Extractor fan - used to like tractors.
Tenants - one less than 11 ants.
Auto-Fellatio - a very enjoyable car ride.

Choggie's English Dictionary, not for everyone!

I'd just like to further mention 2 friends of mine (gay) really want to travel the world. They definitely want to go around america a bit (they like kerouac). They can't go because of the way people are in certain areas of america. "Especially the south" they tell me. One, with her ex, has been all but pelted by rotten tomatos for holding hands in some states.

Can't even front though - england is a smaller country and so the 'backwards' areas are easier to miss. In Dublin apparently, they had to act like 2 friends on a year out or something.

Everyone's kinda like this, but at least in some countries it doesn't go hand in hand with politics.


Lol, gays in the SF Castro are 'emboldened'; that doesn't quite capture it. If you've spent any amount of time in that area, it is a bit surreal. For a few blocks, all the posters are of buff, shiny dudes holding hands. It's odd, but not really harmful, and for the 'gay mecca' that it is, it's actually more subtle than most would expect.

That said, I am occasionally irked by some of the more graphic sexual imagery that is put up everywhere in that rea. At times it almost feel like a 'red light' district, and simply distasteful. I'm all for porn, but for fucks sake show a little discretion.


>> ^choggie:
Homo(L. man)
Phobe, from phobia(G.from Greek: φόβος, phobos, "fear")
fear of mankind...

ho·mo·phobe Audio Help /ˈhoʊməˌfoʊb/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[hoh-muh-fohb] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
a person who fears or hates homosexuals and homosexuality.

dictionary beats word game. dictionary is what everyone accepts as the meaning, your word game is a feeble attempt at denial.

are you also taking back porchmonkey?

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