It's Not The Tiger's Teeth You Should Watch Out For


What the Fuck??? Was that tiger shit? how do you find these DD? you truly have talent at this sifting thing. I don't know what it is about watching people get owned by animals in unexpected ways, but this just made my day.


no that wasn't tiger shit. the tiger was marking its territory by spraying a mixture of secretions from its glands

i imagine it smells very bad because its helps tigers mark their territory for long periods of time and has to remain smellable by other potential tigers looking for territory so they know either to go away or fight for the territory if they really want it.


"@Fletch, Tiger urine smells like movie popcorn... If you are ever in the jungle and you smell popcorn, get the hell out of dodge."

Had no idea. Imagine being attacked by a tiger, mauled to death, and instead of your life flashing before your eyes, your only conscious thought before your life ends is... "do I smell popcorn?".

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