From Michael Moore's July 10/09 e-mail:
We've just been informed that Bill Moyers, on his show later tonight, will expose for the first time the health insurance industry's secret campaign against Michael Moore and his film, "Sicko." It contains a stunning revelation and admission by a top health insurance executive -- the former head of publicity for CIGNA, one of the top health insurance companies in the country -- that the disinformation and attacks on Michael and the film were extensive and well-planned. Their job was to stop the movie from reaching a wide audience (and, more importantly, from having the widespread political impact the industry feared "Sicko" would have).
Wendell Potter, former Head of Corporate Communications at CIGNA (which provides health insurance to nearly 70 percent of the Fortune 100 companies) admits that, in fact, "Sicko" "hit the nail on the head" and told the real truth about how much better people in other countries have it when it comes to their health care.
PostMortemI fear that the US will never get a better system that takes care of everyone, I think the big insurance companies have just too much power.
Yogi>> ^PostMortem:
I fear that the US will never get a better system that takes care of everyone, I think the big insurance companies have just too much power.
No way, did Kings have too much power when we threw off Feudalism? Did slavemasters have too much power when we threw off slavery? No way, we can totally throw out the insurance companies, it just takes organized activism.
PostMortem>> ^Yogi:
>> No way, did Kings have too much power when we threw off Feudalism? Did slavemasters have too much power when we threw off slavery? No way, we can totally throw out the insurance companies, it just takes organized activism.
I honestly hope you're right.
TruckchaseSame here. It's interesting talking with my parents (in their 60s) who honestly believe that if the government took over health care we'd all be left to die. It's particularity interesting considering my dad's sister died of breast cancer after the diagnosis was delayed by interference from her insurance company.
siftbotPromoting this video back to the front page; last published Saturday, July 11th, 2009 6:37pm PDT - promote requested by eric3579.
entr0py>> ^PostMortem:
I fear that the US will never get a better system that takes care of everyone, I think the big insurance companies have just too much power.
I have to agree, only I think it's even worse. It's not just big insurance companies that have a lot to loose, and too much sway over Washington. The same is true of hospitals, physicians and pharmaceutical companies. All of the sectors within health care reap at least some of the outrageous cost of our system.
I honestly don't know how in our current political system you could challenge the profit of so many big money interests, merely for the good of the people. Spin is too effective, and even if there is a popular up swelling of anger, those with the power will just placate us by slightly repackaging the current system and declaring it fixed.
I just heard a great interview on this topic today. I'd sift it if there was any video.
dagComment hidden because you are ignoring dag.(show it anyway)
evil, evil, evil.
mizilaSicko - Full Documentary
If you haven't seen it yet, no excuses. Get on it.
My favorite example in support of govt. health care is the post office. They may not be your first choice, but as long as you have a government option of shipping things, FedEx and UPS can never let their prices get too out of control or everyone will just use the post office.
I love how people won't trust the government to give us shots, but give them full permission to shoot people.
curiousity>> ^Yogi:
>> ^PostMortem:
I fear that the US will never get a better system that takes care of everyone, I think the big insurance companies have just too much power.
No way, did Kings have too much power when we threw off Feudalism? Did slavemasters have too much power when we threw off slavery? No way, we can totally throw out the insurance companies, it just takes organized activism.
But wouldn't you agree that feudalism was more upfront about how things where run? (i.e. The king & nobles have all the power, the serfs don't, and a small class of professionals in between.) This is much more subversive. Most people think they are free while being corralled and directed by media (such as TV), other biased sources, and their own apathy. And most of the the sheep are convinced that they aren't sheep even though they act just like sheep.
Umm... I also might have sheep on the brain because I'm tired and ready for sleep.
dirtythirtyixsays...This isn't surprising, apart from the fact that someone involved had satchel enough to talk about it.
Insurance industry profits are in direct (but not linear) proportion to the exploitation of its customers. It's gambling, and a house that plays poor odds doesn't stay open for long.
Imagine if you had to show the fire or police dept proof of insurance before they could help's the same fucking thing.
RaaaghCorporate America has totally worked out how to control the hearts and minds of the better and other part of America.
quantumushroomI can't believe anyone would "distort" the works of Michael Moore, seeing how they're factually-based and unbiased. AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!
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