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New trailer for Tarantinos remake of the Inglorious Bastards.

Tags for this video have been changed from 'movie, quentin, tarantino, brad, pitt, ww2, nazis' to 'movie, quentin, tarantino, brad, pitt, ww2, nazis, trailer' - edited by kulpims


Tags for this video have been changed from 'movie, quentin, tarantino, brad, pitt, ww2, nazis, trailer' to 'movie, quentin, tarantino, brad pitt, ww2, nazis, trailer, inglourious, basterds' - edited by therealblankman


I Would recommend that people do not pay for this, as taranteno is portentous and very much full of himself, i wish there was some way iof paying others that worked on this film and probably did a good job without themselves being absolute self absorbed tossers.

i meen i could be wrong about tarenteno as i haven't met the guy in person ore talked to him and i know how doing interviews can sometimes make a nice guy look like a right tit. however soly based on what i have seen he looks like a right dickhead,

as for this film i like the visuals of ww2 so Evan a crazy action film set in this time could be nice, however i do worry that if you distort the nazies through popular media people will not be able to identify facisum when it happens again, Evan though i haven't seen the film as a guess i recon some of the chractors might question there actions half way through the film and maby realize nazies r normal people. ether that ore its just going to be an all out killing fest.


that's a shit trailer but i wouldn't write the film off. however, why he chose brad pitt for the lead is beyond me. it's not like he needs star pulling power.


I think it looks great and cant wait to see it. Also Brad Pitt is one of the most underrated actors working today.


Tarantino is the king of good exploitation movies.

He takes stories and scripts that would just turn out horrendous with other directors and produces gold.


With the box office failure of "Grindhouse" Tarantino needed a A-list star to sell more tickets and to make producers fork over some cash to get the project a green light. Hence Brad Pitt as the lead.


I dunno guys, I had the same thoughts about Walk Hard and so I avoided the film entirely. To my surprise the film turned out to be a brilliant work of satire.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'movie, quentin, tarantino, brad pitt, ww2, nazis, trailer, inglourious, basterds' to 'movie, quentin, tarantino, brad pitt, ww2, nazis, trailer, inglorious, bastards' - edited by arrendek


Edited tags comment: You don't need to add the title to the tags and the changed to "correct" spelling will allow people to find it better in the future, no?


Well Kill Bill looked terrible in the initial trailers so the only cause for alarm at this point is that Pitt has apparently still not learned how to act.


Tarantino always has amounts of comedy in his films... amongst the high amounts of violence, which makes for great films in my opinion. I'll probably see this flick.


Cheesy as fuck. An idiotic and preposterous use of resources during a war were every fucking bullet counted, and the government was begging citizens to donate eyeglasses for the effort. Gimme a break. This movie isn't about war.


Ah, I watched the clip in gleefully anticipation of the snarky comments that would follow from the ever-reliable sifters.

I was not disappointed.

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