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radxsays...That's a metric fuck-ton of snow.
siftbotsays...The thumbnail image for this video has been updated - thumbnail added by radx.
TheGenksays...Good luck finding your car under there.
bremnetsays...Big woop. Spend a winter or two in northern Ontario and this is just another day. Maybe it looks bigger because Japanese people are so short...
GeeSussFreeKsays...Dear Japan,
You are making everyone else look bad
geo321says...Frozen *water
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Water) - requested by geo321.
antsays...*nature *wheels
siftbotsays...Adding video to channels (Nature, Wheels) - requested by ant.
mxxconsays...they actually managed to dig down to the paved road...
but wait until that wall of snow collapses
kir_mokumsays...>> ^bremnet:
Big woop. Spend a winter or two in northern Ontario and this is just another day. Maybe it looks bigger because Japanese people are so short...
bad advice, imo.
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