I Jumped Off The Golden Gate Bridge

Kevin is using his story to spread suicide prevention awareness with his film, Suicide: The Ripple Effect, found at suicidetherippleeffect.com. 

If you're contemplating suicide, please
call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
1-800-273-8255 (United States)

Source YouTube

In the early-mid 90's, there was a documentary about people jumping from the Golden Gate bridge (they actually caught a friend of mine committing suicide there while filming), and they interviewed a number of survivors, and they all said that in the moment they became airborne they had the realization that all of the problems in their life were either meaningless or completely solvable...all, that is, except for the problem that they had just created by jumping off a bridge.


I lost a sibling to suicide and it took years to stop blaming myself and to stop taking it personally. But until then it felt like a 3D Escher staircase embedded in my head that I couldn't resolve. Since then I volunteer my time to try to help depressed people however i can. But it's not about me, it's about this video and i'm glad this guy made it.


Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Sunday, December 13th, 2015 5:25pm PST - promote requested by enoch.


Thinking about my previous comment, I wonder if this is a good problem for VR therapy. If a therapist could let a patient virtually jump and gain that realization that their problems are either solvable or meaningless, it just might turn their lives around instantly.....or it might just desensitize them from the fear of jumping.


Yeah, I don't know. Jumping out of a plane with a parachute on was exciting. Getting rolled over sharp rocks by a 10 foot wave after getting caught in a rip while surfing = freaked the fuck out and spending 6 months getting over my sheer terror that it would happen again. And lucky to be alive, and I wasn't even contemplating self harm let alone suicide.

Life lessons are hard to learn when you know they're fake. Reality is the best (and unfortunately sometimes last) teacher we'll ever know.


Thinking about my previous comment, I wonder if this is a good problem for VR therapy. If a therapist could let a patient virtually jump and gain that realization that their problems are either solvable or meaningless, it just might turn their lives around instantly.....or it might just desensitize them from the fear of jumping.

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