Hypnotic train journey in Norway

Duration 9 minutes 32 seconds.

From YT: "A 10 minutes taste from the total 7 hours long travel from Bergen to Oslo by train, through some of the worlds most beautiful scenery. To download the entire trip in HD at http://nrkbeta.no/bergensbanen"

Damn you! I was going to post that. The area in the first minute of the video is the area where George Lucas filmed the scenes from Hoth in Empire Strikes Back.


This is actually one of the main means of travel between Norway's two largest cities: Oslo and Bergen. I live in Bergen and have family in Oslo, so I get to see this scenerey at least a couple of times a year. The view from the drivers cabin is way better than the side veiw you get from the cars, though.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'norway, train, Bergensbanen' to 'norway, train, Bergensbanen, snow, winter, countryside' - edited by calvados


>> ^Deano:
I've got the 21GB file and streamed it to my Xbox. Those tunnel sections are very long and very dark...
you sure they just didn't added empty chunks to make it longer?>> ^rebuilder:
So where's the rest of it?

set it to loop and you'll get the rest
can't tell one snowy hill apart from the other.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'norway, train, Bergensbanen, snow, winter, countryside' to 'norway, train, Bergensbanen, snow, winter, countryside, scandinavian' - edited by calvados

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