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notarobotsays...Did it get the point across? Are you still alive? Good. Nice to still have you with us. Yes, it was necessary.
SDGundamXsays...So basically if I get hurt at work I've got a pretty good shot at winning a lawsuit since there "are no accidents." Way to promote the lawyers, Canada!
jonnysays...I'm pretty sure all of these are on here already - does that make this a dupe?
here's two of them:
kronosposeidonsays...^Unless it can be shown that ALL of them are here, I say it's not a dupe. One man's opinion.
On the bright side of things, these commercials really freak me the fuck out.
solecistsays...jesus christ, canada, lighten up!
jonnysays...>> ^kronosposeidon:
^Unless it can be shown that ALL of them are here, I say it's not a dupe. One man's opinion.
I think that goes without saying. I was wondering if it's a dupe if they are all here, and if I could get a little help tracking them down.
quantumushroomsays...When health care is "free" you've got to scare people to replace the common sense they never learned.
NordlichReitersays...*promote the wtf
I to think there are no accidents, only carelessness. For every action, or in some cases in action there will be a reaction.
Causation and chaos, what a wonderful world we live in.
siftbotsays...Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Monday, October 13th, 2008 6:45pm PDT - promote requested by NordlichReiter.
Hannssays...The first one was the worst because of the screaming.
Mi1lersays...least these had a reasonable point unlike some of those drug PSA's from the states
brycewi19says...I need to go back and watch the "How to Striptease" vid after watching this to get me back in a good mood!
Throbbinsays...First @ quantummushroom - I know you're a moron, but try to keep it to a dull roar. Suggesting we are less careful because of our healthcare? Don't be such a hoser.
Second, yes these were necessary. They get the point across, don't they? Any of those situations could have been real in any of our daily lives. A little Government cautioning never hurt anyone. Any American who wants to make fun of these should consider "freedom fries" and Terror Alert Color Coding first.
This is how we roll up here.
conansays...No no no. This is too much. Too graphic.
Zyrxilsays...No no no. It's obviously just not graphic enough, as evidenced by
cybrbeastsays...Awesome *promote again
siftbotsays...Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Sunday, January 4th, 2009 8:54am PST - promote requested by cybrbeast.
Xaxsays...What a bunch of weak-stomached pussies around here.
siftbotsays...Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Monday, January 5th, 2009 2:29am PST - promote requested by therealblankman.
show'em what happens and why and makes people think about there ass on the line. I found a lot of stupid shit in the psa too like the forklift not having Roll over protection/cage
the acetylene shouldn't of been so close , that woman with the ladder should take a class session on properly using a ladder, the best one was the kitchen slip. by Best I mean " least amount of criticism cause it could actually happen like that "
siftbotsays...This video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by notarobot.
notarobotsays...fix here:
siftbotsays...Added alternate embed code for this video - backup requested by eric3579.
siftbotsays...Replaced video embed code with backup #7967 (supplied by member eric3579) - embed replaced by member eric3579.
eric3579says...*notdead *length=3:07
siftbotsays...This dead video has been deemed functional; either it was accidentally declared dead or eric3579 is planning to manually replace the embed with a backup - declared notdead by eric3579.
The duration of this video has been updated from unknown to 3:07 - length declared by eric3579.
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