Historian Delivers EPIC Takedown Of Religious Wacko

A historian in Huntington Beach, California, schools and destroys a religious nutjob that views books in libraries as "pornographic" and "inappropriate" because they're not the "word of God." The historian breaks down the importance of parents/guardians being stripped of their rights and freedom to choose books in libraries and slams right-wingers for wanting to remove books for ridiculous reasons.

Ben Franklin would have banned gay or porn also.

First book order:
In 1732, the Company's first book order was sent to London. James Logan, secretary to William Penn, assisted in picking the books. He was considered "the best Judge of Books in these Parts." In addition to having the largest personal library in Pennsylvania, the learned Logan knew Latin, Greek, and Hebrew.

Many of the earliest books in the Library's collection were either religious or educational tomes. But not all. As can be seen from other books donated by the Company's first members, there was an interest in politics, philosophy and business. Benjamin Franklin and others donated a number of works including A Collection of Several Pieces by John Locke and Plutarch's Morals. Franklin also donated his copy of Merchants Mappe of Commerce to the company. The books were kept in the librarian's lodgings.


You obviously know nothing about Franklin, he would have created a special library for porn larger than his private library if possible at the time, and would have included gay porn.
He was famous for being a sex fiend.
Sadly, at the time most books available were religious books, because for centuries the church owned the sole means of reproduction, so it’s natural most of the books ordered for the first public library were religious or educational in nature. It was not an exclusionary policy, but a function of availability. There was little non religious fiction to be had, and less erotica…but I bet one of those “educational religious texts” was the Kama Sutra. Somehow you read this paragraph and think it shows Franklin, of all people, was anti pornography somehow? Proven because his first donation to (I assume) the first public library wasn’t pornography? 😂

He absolutely would not have banned pornography or homosexuality, you are so silly. What fevered fantasy dream told you he was for puritanical Christian Sharia law and regulating sex?

The first link when googling Franklin…. https://freddynjagi.medium.com/benjamin-franklins-promiscuous-sexual-life-8e680d76fcfa

You really need to stop thinking you know anything, you always just prove yourself to be an ignoramus, @bobknight33. Learn to read then try it.

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