Harris & Obama denounce 'dangerous' Trump

Donald Trump spent another day lying to his voters about what Vice President Harris calls a “Trump National Sales Tax.” Trump also spent another day refusing to condemn Adolf Hitler which now makes Kamala Harris, MSNBC’S Lawrence O’Donnell says, “the first candidate for President of the United States in history who is campaigning against a candidate who praised Hitler in the White House.”

😂 Nice try, I know you didn’t see a second of it…in reality the CNN town hall was so bad for the dementia riddled coward who skipped it and good for Harris that Harris converted multiple maggots on live tv, showing them it’s possible and you won’t “suddenly become black” or “become a woman” if you support Harris like your morons have been saying all summer. 😂

CNN “turned”!?! 😂 CNN turned maga in 2020, you know this but without “even cnn says” you have no one to quote so you ignore it. Every time you say it it’s like you are putting on a sign saying “I’m a dishonest baby” and wearing it all day. If you actually watched the CNN analysis you would know it was 75%+ positive, 95%+ positive if you culled the maga morons who would never under any circumstances praise her performance. 100%+ positive if she was judged the same way the twice impeached felonious rapist and fascist pedophile is.

Funny you skipped the non maga commentary discussing the double standards those idiots are applying…summed up well with “you accept him being lawless but insist she must be flawless”. One holds a town hall with Trumpists live and converts many, one has a Q&A session with only vetted maggots but still with no questions just swaying to music for 45 minutes in a stupor.

She summed up the entire race and difference between the candidates perfectly by saying…

“Donald Trump will have an enemies list, and I will have a “to do” list.”

Nothing could be more true. One campaign is 100% grievance and scapegoating with fake issues like CRT and threats to use the military against political rivals (and just spent 4 years proving it), one is focusing on solutions to real issues that actually effect American freedoms and the economy.

Hate to tell you, but the flood of fake right wing polls aren’t going to save him (the same fake polls that predicted the ‘22 red tsunami). Real polls are putting the results at as good as 55% Harris-30% Fascist Felon. Not a single reputable poll has the felon ahead more than the margin of error, and most show her ahead well above the margin of error. I know, you didn’t pass algebra, why am I talking statistics that are clearly too advanced for you? Maybe someone will explain it.

Such a sad little boy. Completely lost the ability to think for yourself, or at all, now you throw tantrums with cut and paste arguments that were losing arguments when they were first attempted and by the time you regurgitate them are debunked in every way and make you look ridiculous. Every lie you attempt relies on your listener to be as ignorant as you are, and that’s nearly impossible without being in a coma so your attempts fall flat every single time.



Fake new trying hard to tank Trump. Wont work.

CNN town hall with VP Harris Tanked so bad that CNN turned on her.

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