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thesnipesays...Is that choggie behind the camera?
arnorsays...Damn, now I really want to see that dock-eh-menterry…
Rottysays...Dumb fucking pigs (I know, redundant). That guy's lucky they didn't have a taser party with him.
Chaucersays...if he was black they would have tasered him.
lucky760says...Really a great video. This should hit #1 as quickly as possible. Too funny. Too true.
siftbotsays...A different thumbnail image for this video could not be found for findthumb request by lucky760.
karaidlsays...Thank God for intelligent men like the one behind the camera. Obviously these are the kind of cops that beat their wives, kick puppies, and return library books late.
Obsidianfiresays...Still broke the law. Lol he reminded me so much of Chris Farley.
theaceofclubzsays...Its just the hypocritical nature of law enforcement. Its ok if they do it, cause they're in the club. If you do it though, thats a paddlin'.
Issykittysays...I have NO love for Los Angeles asshole cops. Fuck Da POlice--- I mean, cops are our bestest FRIENDz!!!
arvanasays...The funny thing is, with Chris Farley the voice was an act -- with this guy it's scary real.
kulpimssays...dude looks like big lebowski
lertadsays...In reply to this comment by thesnipe:
Is that choggie behind the camera?
I always imagined choggie with a Scottish/Irish accent for some reason.
deedub81says...I usually hate when people get proud of themselves for catching cops doing something mildly illegal (speeding, no blinker, etc), but this is the 6th time I've seen this.....still funny.
BillOreillysays...This guy should be put in jail for harrassing law enforcement, and obstruction of justice.
conansays...No suprise. Those enforcing the law are the ones mainly braking it.
lucky760says...>>This guy should be put in jail for harrassing law enforcement, and obstruction of justice.
Just curious- what justice did he obstruct? Webster defines justice as "the quality of being just, impartial, or fair." In my estimation, the Michael Moore wannabe was attempting to promote justice, not obstruct it. (Though the same can not be said about the officers in this specific situation.)
jmdsays...funny.. but uhhh.. this isn't exactly something I would come crying to the chief of police about. endangering American lives indeed. They pulled from the side of the road, into a parking lot without even needing to enter traffic. Infact im still thinking a bunch of the shots of the car in the end were of OTHER police cars cause..uhh..that car was gone when it left the lot.
MarineGunrocksays...What was so illegal about where they parked? I saw both a parking meter AND white lines painted on the ground. Can someone please explain to me what was wrong with that picture?
mrikersays...They're parked on the wrong side of the road (or they parked facing the wrong way on the right side of the road).
MarineGunrocksays...I don't think parking facing traffic is illegal in itself. Law could vary from area to area, though.
centosays...Yes, parking on the wrong side of the road like that is illegal in California where this was filmed.
deedub81says...Highly illegal and dangerous. The reason why it's illegal is because you have to drive the wrong way in order to get there in the first place. Once you're big deal.
8266says...They needed to open up on this guy. That would have made for a good tape.
Kruposays..."I don't want to get too rude..." "You've already done that." Heh heh.
kulpims is right - I totally thought Lebowski, except he wouldn't act this way, I think.
deathcowsays...AS41.1031.E2 - Donut/Coffee Shop Exception
Do your homework, boys.
oohahhsays...MarineGunrock wrote: "I don't think parking facing traffic is illegal in itself. Law could vary from area to area, though."
Cento added: "Yes, parking on the wrong side of the road like that is illegal in California where this was filmed."
It's illegal up here in Oregon, too. I know cause I've had to pay a ticket for this very thing. Granted, I was on a backwater street so I didn't particularly care or see the problem; these guys though... that's like a 6 lane boulevard! What they did is the reason for this law.
PlayerXsays...All the explanation you need for why this is illegal is shown in the video - when the cops drive off towards oncoming traffic.
The worst is when people do that at night. I've come across someone parked on the opposite side of the road with their lights on on a dark road - it makes you think the road goes on the other side of them as you assume they're parked on their side of the road. That's always fun.
winkler1says...His ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to his newsletter. I would totally watch a show with this guy.
quantumushroomsays...These filthy hippies have video cameras yet no job. How they do that?
dotdudesays...In New Orleans residential neighborhoods, the meter maids ticket cars for facing the opposite way of oncoming traffic.
thepinkysays...The best part about this video is the way he says "Americans." Sounds like "merikins." Haha I love it.
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