Fox reporter pushes drunk girl away, gets great response


reporters aren't supposed to revel in the fact that they're gonna end up on YouTube!!! There's been way too much of that lately, so no votes from me. Although my school did get owned on Sunday... I find it really funny actually, how quiet campus has been as a result, all the Buckeye smashing on the Diag last week seems but a distant memory for the student body... ha ha.


Lesson learned. Jump on scene behind the reporter then show school spirit. Could have been worse for him. She could have been tryin to put singles down his thong or whatever crawled up his arse


hah! this guy is going places! although I don't recall tom brokaw or dan rather shoving women around. I guess maybe he was also drunk, so, theres that excuse.

it appears like she was considerate enough to hold off her yelling until he was done stumbling through his dialoge,...


Re-promoting this video to the front page as a VideoSift Classic. Originally published on Tuesday 21st November 2006 (promotion called by gold star member joedirt)

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