New Holland Equipment sucks on farmers happy place
as per YT:
Farm Raised is a way of life, a way of thinking and a way of being. When you are Farm Raised you know that hard work and honest sweat are the building blocks of a person's character. Being Farm Raised is believing that that many of the best things in life are indeed free: the splendor of a sunrise, the rapture of wide open spaces and the exhilarating sight of your land greening each spring. If you're Farm Raised you realize that toiling in soil gives back more to the world than one could ever take from it. Farm Raised families know that farming nurtures the close family ties that make life rich in ways money can't buy. At New Holland Agriculture we celebrate the farmer's lifestyle and culture with innovative products that are born in the field, not the factory. Our products and our employees are Farm Raised!
AHEMMMM bullshit
kronosposeidon"Farm raised," eh?
And I'm positive that everyone working the production lines in the factories, all the way up to the CEO and board of directors, are "farm raised."
You gotta love corporate propaganda.
Oh wait; no you don't.
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Krupo*promote the unpromotable

Also, *lies?
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RedSkyMade by marketers in suburbia.
MilkmanDansays...In other news, Subway tells you to "eat fresh" (on ingredients shipped in from who knows where), Apple tells you to "think different" (as long as you brand of different doesn't include installing apps not approved by Steve Jobs), and Burger King lets you "have it your way" (as long as ~700 calories in a Whopper is OK).
Is New Holland a faceless corporation that will say literally anything that helps it ship more units? Yep. Just like everybody else.
This didn't seem particularly more egregious or arrogant than your average bit of advertising to me. Then again, I'm one of the "farm raised" people that they are targeting.
djsunkidOHHHHHH.... The company has nothing to do with actual farms... Ok. Hm.
I wish I could retract my downvote. Sorry!
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