FOX Reporter's Attempt to Ambush Bill Moyers Backfires

Porter Barry, a "reporter" for FOX/Bill O'Reilly (apparently) attempts to ambush Bill Moyers and the effort kind of backfires. Hilarity ensues...

Go, Porter!
Go, Porter!
Go, Go...
Go, Porter!

But seriously. I wouldn't have followed Porter outside, haranguing the (not so) young man as he walked out the door. That's just giving Bill-O the justification to say things like "harassment by the liberal press." The real moment with Bill Moyers had come and gone. Cut camera.


Bill O would take a spitball consisting of a column from NYT hitting his sleeve as harassment by the liberal press.

The minute you start changing your behaviour so you can avoid giving that child something to blow his stack over, you've lost something important, imho.


I don't get it. It's hard to hear the whole conversation, but it just sounds like he's ignoring the questions and changing the subject. What am I missing because that didn't seem brilliant to me. Are you applauding him because he's giving BillO's guy a hard time?


He (Bill Moyers) very clearly answered the question. He said he would go on the Factor if O'Reilly would accept his (pre-O'Reilly invite) invitation to come on his show first.

How does that not answer the question? Repeatedly, in this case...


The question that goes unanswered by Moyers is the "why are you choosing to address a left-leaning conference, (as an independent journalist)".

The problem, of course is that the question is framed as "are you speaking at the conference instead of going on the Factor, because you'd rather preach to your liberal, gay-loving, weed-smoking, terrorist choir than meet the tough questions in the ‘no spin zone’…"

The first question is a fair one, the second one is attack journalism with an agenda.


demand an answer before moving on, you demand attention-Moyers is an asshole, a professional everyman....great segment-the poor Foxboyguy, he gets his ass handed to him...more like a silly, ineffectual pissing contest really.....
2 thumbs down, they both suck as journalists!!!


he's not man enough to go on The Factor, Bill would own him with logic, thus reducing Moyers to tears, and shattering all the little LiberalSift sheep's delusions of grandeur


What's amazing about this sift is simply the existence of the FOX reporter.

Before the FOX reporter and the net existed, Moyers and Friends' lives were easy. They never had to admit their liberal bias since they were the only game in town.

Additionally, blowhard Moyers used taxpayer money (PBS) to promote his left-wing drivel unopposed for decades. He's had plenty of time to prepare for arguments from the other side, hasn't he?

Never again will liberals dominate the media. Media libs always pretended to welcome all points-of-view. Now they are horrified to discover there are other points-of-view.


^god you're clueless sometimes...

when will you realize that liberals hate the unbalanced neo-con funded media and conservatives hate the "liberal media"...but it's the same media. The difference between the two is about as real as the east coast/west coast rap wars. It's just for show and you're being sucked in like an overweight trailer inhabitant to "Days of Our Lives".


when will you realize that liberals hate the unbalanced neo-con funded media and conservatives hate the "liberal media"...but it's the same media.

As the fish doesn't see the water, most media liberals never see or are paid handsomely not to see their own bias.

Pointing out two teams play in the same league doesn't change the scores of the game. There is no stepping above the fray here. There are real and serious idealogical differences between liberals and conservatives; one must win and one must lose, because they're mostly incompatible.

The truth has a liberal bias.

The truth doesn't need junk science, political correctness and price controls, plus an in-cahoots media to cover up the resulting failures. Liberals need all four. Obama won't reveal he leans extreme-left. Shouldn't that tell you something?

"No counterpart" to FOX news? Pretty much everything but FOX and talk radio leans left, including 99% of Hollywood dreck.


>> ^quantumushroom:
The truth doesn't need junk science, political correctness and price controls, plus an in-cahoots media to cover up the resulting failures. Liberals need all four.

In psychology, they call this projection. On the schoolyard, this is the "I am rubber, and you are glue" defense.

You really don't realize that all four of those are hallmarks of the right-wing, do you?

Two have different names on your side of the fence: Political Correctness becomes "Gay marriage ban, abortion ban", Price Controls become Big Business Subsidies. Difference is, we don't actually legislate Political Correctness, nor Price Controls (unless this is your way of talking about Minimum Wage).


>> ^muddro:
keep it up, "liberal media" morons. you look like fucking idiots. there is no counterpart to fox news. tell me more about the truth's well known liberal bias...

TYT or Air America would be the liberal counterpoint to Fox News, except they don't lie/exaggerate anywhere near as much as Fox does.


Liberals dominate the media....this has been announced by Rush Limbaugh. And Thomas Sowell. And Ann Coulter. And Rich Lowry. And Bill O'Reilly. And William Safire. And Robert Novak. And William F. Buckley, Jr. And George Will.

And John Gibson. And Michelle Malkin. And David Brooks. And Tony Snow. And Tony Blankely. And Fred Barnes. And Britt Hume. And Larry Kudlow. And Sean Hannity. And David Horowitz. And William Kristol. And Hugh Hewitt.

And Oliver North. And Joe Scarborough. And Pat Buchanan. And John McLaughlin. And Cal Thomas. And Joe Klein. And James Kilpatrick. And Tucker Carlson. And Deroy Murdock. And Michael Savage. And Charles Krauthammer. And Stephen Moore. And Alan Keyes.

And Gary Bauer. And Mort Kondracke. And Andrew Sullivan. And Nicholas von Hoffman. And Neil Cavuto. And Matt Drudge. And Mike Rosen. And Dave Kopel. And John Caldara.

The mainstream media in this country are dominated by liberals. Look at how they all gave Bill Clinton a pass on the whole Monica Lewsinsky affair. Remember? It was never in the news. We never heard any of the salacious details.


>> ^quantumushroom:
The truth doesn't need junk science, political correctness and price controls, plus an in-cahoots media to cover up the resulting failures. Liberals need all four.

You really don't realize that all four of those are hallmarks of the right-wing, do you?

Hallmarks? No. Your examples are marginal at best.

"Gay marriage ban, abortion ban" This isn't political correctness, it's a legitimate position of a majority of conservatives; not necessarily mine.

Price Controls become Big Business Subsidies. Not exactly. Price controls attempt to regulate markets to the detriment of a few over most (Nixon was guilty of them too) and while I don't care for the subsidies, it's a side effect of allowing government to give away money to anyone (farmers, Amtrak, airlines, 9-11 victims' families) without any precedent.

Difference is, we don't actually legislate Political Correctness

Except for hate crimes legislation and turning government schools into liberal indoctrination camps.

The jig is up. I didn't say "O'Doyle Rules!" I'm sayin' the new media is here to stay.


Liberals dominate the media....this has been announced by Rush Limbaugh. And Thomas Sowell. And Ann Coulter. And Rich Lowry. And Bill O'Reilly. And William Safire. And Robert Novak. And William F. Buckley, Jr. And George Will.

BLAH BLAH BLAH. If you read any of them instead of picking through the recyclables of colbert and maher, you'd know the difference. Most Americans still get their news from the teevee, and despite FOX most of the ratings are still with the "everyone else." A shame and a sham, how else could the Obamessiah get this far saying nothing?

The net and new media are newer than the manure from the 60s through early 90s. Give it more time, then you'll really have something to fume about.


^ QM, my point is, Political Correctness isn't hate crimes legislation, and further, hate crimes legislation isn't a cornerstone of liberalism. Anti-discrimination laws are, but we've pretty much got that covered at this point. I personally don't agree with hate crimes legislation, but I can understand the mindset that says that cruelty based on dehumanizing the target is worse than cruelty towards a specific person for another bad reason (he cut me off on the interstate!)

My point is that for conservatives gay marriage bans and abortion bans are a cornerstone of the conservative platform. Between the two parties, you guys care a lot more about banning abortion than I'd ever care about hate crimes legislation, affirmative action, or even allowing gay marriage.

Both sides try to legislate morality, and between the two parties, yours is much more vehement about it.

As for the bit about liberal indoctrination camps, despite my wishing that were true, it simply isn't. My education wasn't typical, but there wasn't much opportunity for political discussion through most of my education. We didn't cover 20th century American history until my junior year of high school, and I'd been leaning what you'd call liberal for years by that point.

There's not much opportunity for political indoctrination in math, science, foreign language, etc. If you mean making kids share toys, and treat others with respect, I'd say without that society would go to hell in a handbasket way faster if we didn't try to teach kids that.

Keeping religious indoctrination out of public schools is a cornerstone of liberalism, but there isn't anything wrong with teaching kindness, pacifism, respect for parents, etc. Just not, "Christ is your lord and savior." No restrictions on private schools doing that, though.

Price Controls is also inaccurate -- maybe I'm uninformed, but I'm not aware of any current Democratic proposal that includes a price control. Progressive or in your vernacular, redistributionary tax policy, sure. Raising poverty level, and minimum wage, sure. No one's saying we should do something like cap the price of gas, though. I agree that in a purely theoretical economic sense, things like minimum wages are not efficient, but at a certain point I think morality overcomes the need for economic efficiency. Europe does just fine in the global marketplace with a living wage, which is well above ours in most countries.

You're mostly talking to people who have a fundamentally different viewpoint than you. You're not going to win anyone over by trying to tell them they're delusional. You're not going to win people over by attributing values and policies to "liberals" in general, and the Democratic party in particular that are wholly inaccurate.

If you want to win people over, be persuasive. Post vid clips that present your viewpoint well, and I'll happily upvote them.

If you're not trying to win people over, what's the point?

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