FOX News- George Bush Just Like Abraham Lincoln

Chosen by Bush.

Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Thursday, February 7th, 2008 1:09pm PST - promote requested by sometimes.


Fox is absolutely right. Bush is almost exactly like Lincoln. The only differences are that:

-Bush has no facial hair
-isn't very tall
-isn't a good president
-isn't smart
-isn't introspective
-isn't wise
-is indifferent to his constituents
-chokes on pretzels
-falls off of Segways
-not good at operating doors
-doesn't wear hats
-isn't gay
-is alive
-is a poor writer
-and a poor speaker
-is vain-glorious
-has no value for human life
-is OK with slavery of the wage variety
-born with a silver spoon up his ass
-and rather than being the best president in history, is the worst

Other than that, Bush is much like Lincoln's twin (more congenital than fraternal that is).


Hey,HEY,HEY! Whoa there dystopianfuturetoday!!!!

You are waaay off base.

We have absolutely no way of know whether Lincoln would have fallen off of a Segway!

But seriously. Here begins the official post-term glorification, in all its astroturfing glory, of the disaster of the Bush presidency. What a fucking joke.


I would add to the earlier list
- Lincoln didn't have a team of 30+ plus writers and editors telling him what to say.

Bush did sort of make it sound like he's planning to have a "last year" like Lincoln's. Which is great if he means the war he's overseen will come to an end and purposeful reconstruction will begin in earnest, and kind of creepy if he means he's going to have an abrupt end to his term like Abe did. He did seem pleased by the comparison after all.

Me? I'd want a last year more like... well, just about anyone who wasn't shot by a male model. That is how it happened, right? I get all my history from Ben Stiller films, so I may be misrememberizing.


"so it's a bit of a paradox, that he's now also credited with some of the most eloquent and visionary speeches, ever delivered by an American president."

eeeeyeah. i still remember his best.

"Freedom terror terror, weapons of mass destruction. Freedom, Al Queda, durka durka.
Liberty. And may God bless America."

yes. a paradox.
wrapped in a riddle, nestled within a conundrum, stuffed inside a felafel.



so, let's examine his next sentence, shall we?

"along the way, the president has been uniquely willing to acknowledge the work of speechwriters."

right. because no one knew or remembers the name of, say, one of JFK's speechwr*OH!* Pierre Salinger.

yeah, press secretary, too. gee. whatever became of him? no kiddin'.
"He later made a permanent move to France, making good on his promise that, 'If Bush wins, I'm going to leave the country and spend the rest of my life in France.' "

what about JFK's most famous speech, because everyone knows that he wrote that famous inaugur*NO?* oh, right. Ted Sorensen.

unique, indeed.
i'd be uniquely willing to refute every laughable lie that comes out of this scumbag's mouth, but i've got better things to do. like clean my toilet bowl.

but thx for the laughs, as always, fed!


"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And in as much as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race." - Abraham Lincoln, 1858

Lincoln was against slavery and he believed the blacks should be free. He did not, however, consider them equal or believe they should have any of the privileges whites take for granted here. Little Bushie's statement about Lincoln's belief that all men are created equal under God is therefore quite inaccurate. On the other hand, in light of this, perhaps Bush is more like Lincoln than we think.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'Documentary, George W Bush, Abraham Lincoln' to 'Documentary, George W Bush, Abraham Lincoln, brown nose, 1984' - edited by winkler1


Isn't it a bit ridiculous to say that the president has been made fun of for his talking and then claim he has had some of the very best speeches, which his contribution was reading aloud?


Well, Dubya has a lot in common with Abraham Lincoln in the way they both like to shit on Civil Liberties. Lincoln suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus in 1861. He spent money without Congressional authorization. Lincoln arrested something like 18,000 Americans for speaking against his Administration and the Civil War (thought to be Confederate Sympathizers) - this also included members of the Free Press. You were either with Lincoln or you were against him.

We accredit him with being this great man who understood human rights and truly understood that all men are created equal, and therefore he abolished slavery. Believe me, slavery wasn't a high priority for him - it was the Union. Here's a quote from the great Emancipator: "If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."

Lincoln was a crap president. Bush is a crap President. All of this Lincoln/Bush comparison by Fox is just way for them to get people to associate Bush's presidential legacy with Lincoln's, so in the history books we don't note him as being a war criminal. Instead, we look to him as being a great president. Revisionist history, and it's purposely timed for the end of his last term. How convenient!


I assume "Under God" means the Christian God. Either way if you had no idea who Bush was this piece would be pretty believable with the points it tries to make. Abe did go through some hard times and yes a good chunk of people didnt care for him (dont see any assassination attempts on Bush). However like mentioned in other comments he didnt have this huge machine of image people behind him working hard to try and make him look and sound wise and make is speeches perfect and so on. I would also suspect Abe didnt speak so matter of factly about how great he was going to be in history. Though Bush i think really hopes history in a decade will see the merits of what he was "morally" trying to do he comes off arrogant to say that it will. I think it would be more humbling to see him doubtful, so see him struggling with what he has created, to stop the I'm so sure of myself tough cowboy badass American that doesnt take shit from any terrorist image that he has spent so long creating. Lincoln also didnt have his war and moral goals tainted with untold amounts of scandals, lies, mistakes, and overall poor leadership. Not saying the Civil War wasnt messy but compared to how the Iraq war has been cared out it was a perfectly executed strategic masterpiece on every level.


Bush: one of the most eloquent presidents? -- dont be stupid

this is media spin for "please friendly media outlets, do something so i don't go down in history as an utter tool". Which he should, and deserves to.


State of the Union Address, Draft 1

"Hello America. Sorry about everything these past couple years. Some people thought Lincoln sucked, so, whatever. I was just trying to liberate people from bondage. (insert filler about other things that we meant to do). Anyhow, I'll be at the ranch. Dick and Condi should be in their offices, so, give them a call if you need something. God Bless America. Adios."


This has to be the most WTF FOX News moment I'VE EVER SEEN.

First, how does a speech writer not learn how to type correctly.

Second, "all men are created equally" except homosexuals, immigrants, and non-U.S. citizens apparently.


... you know, this was totally a *wtf interview. American's are most assuredly are not better off directly and indirectly due to having him as president and his cronies as our country's leaders for the last 7 years. The next president is going to be busy as all-hell just trying to decide what holes in this sinking ship of ours need to be plugged first.

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