There's been a lot of great Platinum League replays uploaded to YouTube, but this is definitely one of the best. An organised match here between Nazgul (Protoss) and TheLittleOne (Terran), both players put up a great fight. Employing multi-pronged attacks, diversions, economy raids and constructing counters to counters on the fly, it's hard to pick any obvious winner.
Husky and
HD have commentated on many Starcraft 1/2 games and do quite a good job of explaining the strategies and reasons behind unit choices, since both are adept players themselves.
Some of the terminology may be a bit obscure, but as a bit of a glossary for you, here are some of the common things you'll hear:
"Micro" - The control of individual or groups of units in combat. Such as moving units to avoid damage or focus on specific enemies and employing abilities at the right times.
"Macro" - Maintenance and growth of your base economy. Also managing new expansions to other resource areas.
"High ground" - Units cannot target enemies occupying raised terrain, unless being spotted by a flying unit. Also units on high ground receive damage and defence bonuses. (You want to be up there where possible!)
Also phrases like "12 expansion", or "15 barracks" basically mean how many gatherers you have out at the time you built a specific structure/unit. This is just important due to the second-by-second timing required to win in these high level games.
fjulesUmm...Starcraft 2 is released already? Am I missing something?
joedirtsomeone should donate beta keys to VS for a fundraiser
joedirtalso, you can pre-order SC2 for $5 at some places and get the beta key
Offsajdh^There's a beta going on, if you sign up with a blizzard account you might get lucky and get to participate. Only multiplayer though.
Very entertaining match, can never get enough of terran nukes. Really glad to see a couple of sc2 matches getting through the sift, too lazy to track the really entertaining ones down on my own.
If you're interested, there's a HDH invitational tournament playing at the moment (posted to both the channels I linked above). The big names in the community are duking it out for prize money.
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The whole series this game was taken from. Commentary by Day9, who I prefer.
The finals series of the same tournament between TLO and WhiteRa. Especially check out the third game on Kulas Ravine.
Great to see e-sports going on the sift. Gj BoneyD. If any of you are intested in following SC:BW and SC2, then direct your browsers to
RedSkyInteresting to see I'm not the only one who watches these. Was thinking nobody here would be interested but guess I was wrong!
OffsajdhWooooh, I just saw the final you linked there with TheLittleOne vs WhiteRa. Intensly entertaining. "Who needs a hatchery when you can be awesome!?"
>> ^Jinx:
The whole series this game was taken from. Commentary by Day9, who I prefer.
The finals series of the same tournament between TLO and WhiteRa. Especially check out the third game on Kulas Ravine.
Great to see e-sports going on the sift. Gj BoneyD. If any of you are intested in following SC:BW and SC2, then direct your browsers to
fjulesTo be honest, I take much more pleasure in watching pro's play these games than play them myself. Why? Well, it takes time to master the game and I really see no point in playing badly since I know there are tons of people who have played this for 10 years or something and will always own me. Also, playing through the game really takes a lot of time but watching a thirty minute game can give you the same experience + the commentary is nice.
siftbotThe thumbnail image for this video has been updated - thumbnail added by critical_d.

siftbotThis video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by DerHasisttot.
siftbotAwarding luxury_pie with one Power Point for fixing this video's dead embed code.
luxury_pieDamn it, that is not the correct embed, I was planning to take the playlist embed overhere:
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