Drawing on water

Not a word of this is in English, but you don't need to understand Japanese to be impressed by this machine that can produce various images on the surface of a pool of water.

The combined energy to create the wave along with any inefficiencies in transmitting the energy in wave form would result in a huge net loss of energy.

I can't think of any practical applications for this technology, outside of maybe a water park or fancy fountain. Regardless, it is cool to watch so thanks for posting.>> ^raverman:

I'm thinking... build a larger simplistic model along the coast line of a bay so you can create focused wave forms that converge on some type of turbine for power generation.


This is so cool and elegant. They should have a miniature version of this in differential equations/partial differential equations classes to illustrate boundary conditions and solution modes.


Sounds interesting, but you may use more energy than you create to do that. >> ^raverman:
I'm thinking... build a larger simplistic model along the coast line of a bay so you can create focused wave forms that converge on some type of turbine for power generation.

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