Domesticated Pet Skunk Playing With A Plastic Bag

"Christopher Choate is a lover of all animals but has gained a particular love for the domesticated skunk. In this footage, Christopher’s skunk shows how she can play and interact like any other pet!"

"This little love bundle. Now she is seeking for us a trysting place. Touching, is it not? Come, my little peanut of brittle. I will help you. Wait for me. Wait."


*kids, *happy, *nature - I'd rather describe this as "playing with owner" than "with a plastic bag".


Wild skunks that I've seen have a pretty similar waddle-gait. I think a lot of the apparent size comes from extremely well cared-for fur (beautiful!); although it is almost certainly at least a little bit bigger and heavier than most wild skunks also.

I've heard of domesticating skunks before, but not seen it in person. I think owners usually (but not always) have a vet remove the scent glands ... wonder if that is the case here?


What the hell is he feeding that thing? He/She doesn't run so much as waddle.


Pet = "Domesticated"?

Lets see how domesticated she is when someone she doesn't know tries to play with her.


'Zactly. Carry 14 stitches on my left forearm from our 'domesticated' raccoon in its 3rd year of living in the house. Is now a hat.


Just don't make it angry.
You won't like it when it's angry.

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