Distracted Cop Hits Cyclist

YT: Today a local police officer struck me head on while turning onto my road. I was motionless at a stop sign, and he was looking down reading his phone.

Distracted driving, a misdemeanor, often becomes a felony when it causes serious injury or damage....it seems that's the case in Maryland.....

Jake's Law was passed in response. Texting while driving or using a hand-held cellphone while driving was already illegal in Maryland. ... Now, distracted drivers who cause serious injury or death can receive up to three years in jail and up to a $5,000 fine.

They damn well better prosecute him for that, and unsafe driving, illegal left turn, driving into oncoming traffic causing an accident, etc. Police are not above the law, they serve it. No excuses here.


Kind of...minimizing the guy's injuries instantly isn't the best start imo. Surprising he didn't blame the bike rider, though. That would seem normal these days.

He hit him hard enough to break the bike frame sending the victim to the asphalt hard. Soft tissue injuries often aren't visible, and might not be painful for days. I think he should have taken the ambulance ride on the cop's dime and gotten an mri to be sure.
I hope he gets sets new bike out of this at least.


At least he took responsibility for what he did. That's a start


"This happened in Peculiar MO where it's legal to text and drive. You have to be 21. " - someone on reddit

WOW, if that is true.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'cyclist, distracted, phone, Peculiar, Maryland' to 'cyclist, distracted, phone, Peculiar, Missouri' - edited by lurgee


Thanks, for some reason I saw MD on the car. Probably my crappy laptop screen.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'cyclist, distracted, phone, Peculiar, Maryland' to 'cyclist, distracted, phone, Peculiar, Missouri' - edited by lurgee


I’m shocked the cop didn’t try and say the cyclist ran into him and blew the stop sign or something. So, at least the cop was professional (or inexperienced) enough to admit his guilt and not try to screw the cyclist over. That’s going to be an expensive replacement though. Looks like an upper end bike, with Di2 (electronic shifting $$$), and carbon wheels, which will probably need to be replaced as well (at least the front). I’d say that bike could be $5k-$8k. This is why I’ve started riding with a video camera front and rear. You just never know when you might need clear evidence, especially as a cyclist.

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