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Dick Cheney on Meet the Press 9/10/06


From TNR online:

Here's the transcript of Dick Cheney's painful (for him, at least) appearance on "Meet the Press" yesterday. One of the most telling moments came when Cheney tried, again, to link Saddam Hussein to Al Qaeda:

VICE PRES. CHENEY: You've got Iraq and al-Qaeda, testimony from the director of CIA that there was indeed a relationship, Zarqawi in Baghdad, etc. Then the third...

MR. RUSSERT: The committee said that there was no relationship. In fact...

VICE PRES. CHENEY: Well, I haven't seen the report; I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but the fact is...

That report, of course, was by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence. Cheney can read the full report at Or, if he's pressed for time, he can read this New York Times article ( about the report, which begins:

"The Central Intelligence Agency last fall repudiated the idea that there were pre-war ties between Saddam Hussein's government and the Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab Al Zarqawi. . . ."

Oversight is hell when it gets in the way of simple fearmongering.



Seriously...if we don't get a balance during the mid-term elections, I'm heading for Canada.

(I'll bet they have "Extras" in Canada.)


boy, they still don´t get it.. i can put it in a simple line: They´ve LIED, they´re LYING, and they will LIE again and people are DYING beacause of their LIES. I feel sorry for the american people. I can´t stand it any longer, you guys over there aren´t stupid, i know that for sure. But why the HELL is noone actually DOING anything? Yeah well, impeach a guy for having a BJ put praise a MURDERER.

It makes me sick, i have to stop


**WARNING** Incoming personal opinion and views....

Dissenting voices are either hushed or called "crackpot." When we try to do something, big Republican money stops it.

That's the problem with being a Liberal...very few have money because they believe in helping those who have less than they do.

The government has been mightily skewed since its conception. "The people" don't have a voice...Lobbyists have a voice. The people pay a lobbyist to argue their points in session...the better the lobbyist, the more money you have to shell out. Can't afford a good lobbyist? Your voice won't be heard.

THAT is the America we live in.


Iran was the primary regional threat in 2003 and remains the primary threat (as anyone in Israel would know).

It is a crying shame that the Bush Administration's fantasy of Christianist retail democracy in Iraq will have the bulk of this country's military resources farting around in the middle of a civil war for the next ten years.

Does anyone here think that Bush/Cheney/Rummy had clear choices in the Middle East post 9/11 and, time after time, they chose wrong?


I think it's time for citizens to do their duty. Pick up arms against this tyranical goverment.

Like why are so many great president's slain (John F Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Lincoln but am not counting Reagen) but this one allows to exist? But then again he's like a puppet ruler, you have to go for those behind him...

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