Dial-Up Modem Noises Slowed Down

Eeeeerie, audio sift. Might bring back memories.. of dial up, or being haunted!

This scared the hell out of my cat, which was sitting in my lap.

Didn't just scare it right away either, it kind of perked up, looked around nervously, looked spooked all of a sudden, twitched around for a minute, flipped out, and ran the hell away, leaving big claw gashes in my thighs.

It's haunted all right.


OMG I de-reverbed it and was able to connect to this with my modem and download some cat porn...

> so I can feel like it's 1996 again...

This takes me back to 1983 with a 300 baud Volksmodem


>> ^artician:

>This takes me back to 1983 with a 300 baud Volksmodem
Oh yeah? Well it takes ME back to 1844, telegraphing morse-code!

Kids nowadays.

I remember 1066, flashing shiny surfaces from frigate to frigate.

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