Deconstructing Animated GIFs

"GIFs are one of the oldest image formats used on the web. Throughout
their history, they have served a huge variety of purposes, from
functional to entertainment. Now, 25 years after the first GIF was
created, they are experiencing an explosion of interest and innovation
that is pushing them into the terrain of art. In this episode of Off
Book, we chart their history, explore the hotbed of GIF creativity on
Tumblr, and talk to two teams of GIF artists who are evolving the form
into powerful new visual experiences."

>> ^Phreezdryd:

What's so special about very short video clips repeating?

Nothing really you always have trendy twat face mother fuckers talking bullshit about things.

But by having a specific rules and confines to work to it forces stuff to be a specific way , so for example the character limitations for text messaging forced people to write messages in a certain way . or the limitation of old computers forced people to make games a certain way with certain types of art and animation.

Gifs do the same thing it just forces people to do things in a certain way and so you end up with people trying to creatively work within those confines.

There is no resoin why a film has to be 90 min 1 min or 3 seconds or play once through loop or be short and loop , in the end its ll just doing random shit and if people can happen to enjoy it then its not a problem.

In fairness this video was not that bad and was largely informative but you definitely get allot of people who consider themselves more "arty" or "artistic" than others talking utter shit as a way for them to build there ego over other people.

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