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Daily Show- Homosexuals in the Military


No no, keep 'em coming. We dont get DS down here!

When I went in for bootcamp (in the Aussie army) I had assumed that the 'no gays in the military' was some sort of universal rule. But they specifically said to us that the army needs all the soldiers it can get, so why restrict perfectly talented people? I guess if Americas army's as big as it is, they can abide some light bigotry.


I served in the german federal armed forces and there was a gay guy in my platoon. We didn't report him to our platoon-leader (homosexuals are not allowed in german army, too), but nobody wanted to be in the shower when he was in. In field there can't be seperated showertimes, mostly.
So this is one mayor point against gays in the army. But everything else Paul Cameron says are very lame arguments or straight lies... raped by a brother at arm... pft... has that ever happend?


im straght i wud shawer with a gay person just as mutch as i wud shawer with a woman i dotn see the problem if the girl likes me fine if the guy likes me fine if i like them back fine if i dont fine. just becuse people are homophobik ore incable of shawering with sumone of a difrent sexual erentation dosent meen it shud be iligal to have gays women ore whatever in an army. people r just mucked up thay aply retard il logick to things.


Gays in the military aren't a problem. The problem is lots of army dudes are macho homophobes. They're the ones who should have to change. The army used to be a bunch of racist white guys, but that changed when they needed the poor black guys to get turned into sausage meat in Vietnam (or was that first in Korea??). The army adapted. It will do so again.

BTW, I wonder how many women in the army have been raped by army men? Maybe men shouldn't be allowed at all...

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