Crazy LED Cube Light Show

If you're really geeky and have kids. Make this for them.

They'll be amazed.

Make me one as well please. =]

There is no doubt this is exceptionally cool but it would be even better if it was synchronized to the music. It seems to be independently programed. If it took it's cues from the music in combination to the pre-programming, the technology would be salable even more so than it already is.


>> ^Sagemind:

There is no doubt this is exceptionally cool but it would be even better if it was synchronized to the music. It seems to be independently programed. If it took it's cues from the music in combination to the pre-programming, the technology would be salable even more so than it already is.

Captain Obvious, are you friends with Captain Hindsight ?


Yeah, an Atmega32. They have a step-by-step guide for building it if you go to the You Tube link, but its at Instructables so you have to pay. You get the parts list for free though, and that answered all the questions I had about it.

It probably wouldn't be that big a deal to make it react to the music.

>> ^deathcow:

This thing was made with AVR microcontrollers right? I've been using ALL my sleep time for the last two weeks figuring out how to program these microcontrollers... my demo is not quite as whiz bang though

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