Cops Shoots Unarmed Woman Motorist To Death


>> ^GeeSussFreeK:

Ahh, so she was murdered. Lock him up.

This is what I was imagining. If my wife was killed by an officer and the report buried and the officer let off completely I would get revenge. I wouldn't care if I was that guys age and my kids have grown up I would find a way after the officer was let off the hook to kill him. And this is the kind of thing that's going to happen if cops keep attacking the public...eventually we're going to have vigilantes...then groups of vigilantes seeking justice.

The police will become more militarized and more centralized protecting the corporations that employ them more and more for private security. The people will be sequestered in neighborhoods that resemble prisons more than suburbs. It'll get worse until we finally step up and demand better training...stricter standards and just MORE from our law enforcement. Also they should be paid should be something great to be a cop again...something prestigious.


>> ^eric3579:

Just curious what you think about him looks crazy? Doesn't seem crazy to me at all.
>> ^Yogi:
That eye witness looks crazy...and he's going to be painted that way by the Police Lawyer.

Really? Ok he has a beard...paint on his shirt, he's wearing a beaney and his description of the events sound like they could be easily torn apart by a good lawyer.

I'm not saying he's crazy...I'm not saying he looks crazy to me I'm saying based on the way he looks, you could paint him as crazy and that's what a smart lawyer WILL do.

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