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Clinton supporters protest at Rules and Bylaws Committee


clip 3 so retarded, cnt believe you would fall for the bs anti obama stuff.

allso how could anny one vote for MC pain he is sutch an obvious tardy. maby thats why thay support pillory these people are unable to spot retarded facial expressions and general retardation.


McCain... Obama.... Clinton... it's all CFR to me baby.

btw - don't you find it disgusting to see how half of the democratic supporters have pledged to vote for a NeoCon instead of one of their own if they don't get another Clinton in office? Are we living in bizzaro world or what?


Yeah, these supporters are SO devoted to the Democratic Party that if Obama wins the nomination they'll vote for his Republican rival. That's 100% loyalty if I ever saw it.

Don't misunderstand me; I don't have a problem with someone crossing party lines to vote for the candidate that he or she believes is best, but that's not what these ladies are talking about. They'll vote for McCain just to spite Obama. Now I'm no political scientist, but I'm pretty damn sure that is NOT how the democratic process is supposed to work.

Jesus, why doesn't Hillary just take all these supporters to the nearest beer hall for a nice "rally"? As dag alluded to already, I think more than a few of them are already liquored up.


Yet more evidence of American zealotry in the place of common sense. And further evidence of a failed educational system that teaches people that stubbornness is more important than cognition.



>> ^Constitutional_Patriot:
McCain... Obama.... Clinton... it's all CFR to me baby.
btw - don't you find it disgusting to see how half of the democratic supporters have pledged to vote for a NeoCon instead of one of their own if they don't get another Clinton in office? Are we living in bizzaro world or what?

To the second point first, it's not half the democratic party -- it's just who showed up to "support" Clinton at the RBC, by protesting it, catcalling during it, chanting, jeering, even hissing at the mention of Obama's name. The way these people representing the Clinton campaign comported themselves was purely shameful.

To his credit, Obama made sure to tell his supporters to be respectful, not to jeer, boo, chant, etc, but simply applaud the arguments made in their favor, without being too over the top. They more or less did that.

As for bizzaro world, you started your post by painting all three with the same brush because they're members of a think-tank on international relations?

Everyone's got their axe to grind in elections, I have several that I'm deadly serious about -- restoration of the Constitution (stop torture, restore checks and balances, stop domestic spying without oversight), economic policy that benefits people who don't own their own billion-dollar company, and ending this failed nation-building exercise in Iraq are just my top three.

Two candidates promise that, one promises anything but that. I don't believe Clinton's promises, but I believe Obama. I don't expect him to fix it all overnight, but I expect him to try.

CFR membership doesn't really register for me as an issue, especially since CFR has some good ideas with regard to Iran. I kinda wish Bush listened to CFR, might've tempered his petulant foreign policy into something reasonable.


I question the true intentions of the CFR and it's members missions based on statements such as this by one of the key founder's of the CFR/Trilateral Commission/Bilderberg:

David Rockefeller's quote in his own book ("Memoirs")in which he admits to fronting a secret cabal that is attempting to destroy American sovereignty and replace it with a world government (-page 405).

"For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

How could we expect to trust anything coming from such a group of people that Bill Moyers has investigated and revealed that they are part of a secret cabal - a secret government if you will. But hey.. just forget you read this and "Hope" for "Change". I suppose if you base the options out of the three "superdelegates" (whatever) then yes - Obama appears to be the best of them. This still doesn't change the fact that he's CFR and that he's Cheney's cousin. Either way.. it appears that we're screwed because even the founders of the intricate designs for our own failure reveal their true intentions and people cover their ears and eyes to the reality of the situation.


Hmm, white chick and black guy with almost the same platform. White old guy with a diametrically opposed platform. If white chick doesn't win the nomination they'll go with the old white guy. Makes me think of Sesame Street.

"One of these things is not like the others, one of these things is not the same..."

Can't vote for the black guy because he's ruining the chances of a Democratic win? Is that the argument that seems most prevalent?

Bizarre racist country. Get your shit together America, join the 21st century.


They're pissed off because the fix was in for Hillary to be pres, it was her turn. Now some upstart who doesn't know how the power game is played comes along and screws up the machine.

I hope he has his own trusted security watching out for him and doesn't rely on the FBI - with all the venom over this i can see a re-play of the Bobby Kennedy campaign.


^they're pissed off because hilary blew the horn of gender wars. she's not getting in because she's a woman, and it's barack's fault somehow. so, rationally, vote for McCain.

If my opressed people can't get in then NO oppressed people can get in!


This really scares me. With a lot of Hillary supporters voting for McCain just to spite Obama, McCain has a really good chance of winning this thing.

Crossing the party line to vote for the best candidate? I would love to write-in Ron Paul, but enough people aren't doing it to make it count. It would be a wasted vote, and that truly saddens me.

My only other (sane) option would be Obama. He has some policies that I don't like, and even oppose, but McCain would destroy the nation.

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