Cat Hates Leash Enough To Play Dead

Or maybe this is a not-yet-perfectly-functional cat deactivation device.

You start by letting them have the harness on inside, they will eventually get hungry or something and will see they can move around. Then you can attach the leash and give them attention for not playing dead. Eventually they will move around with the leash inside the house, so give them attention and treats. You will eventually be able to take them outside.


>> ^dag:

I've yet to see a cat effectively take to a leash - though I've heard it can be done.

My cat would still walk and explore while on a leash. Occasionally the harness would annoy him and he'd try to back out of it, but he never flopped to the ground and refused to move like this.


I've fairly successfully taught my indoor cat to take a leash. He knows if I put on his harness he gets to go outside. Not that I can like walk him like a dog but I can at least nudge him in the right directions. For the longest time he just slumped over until i thought him it was a reward.

And believe it or not my cat 'loves' going for a ride lol. He's Siamese, what do you expect. Crazy ass breed.

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