Bumper Cars -- but the other car is a train

It is Texas, after all....

Well I guess if you're not from the area, that would be confusing as hell. Around where I live, trains don't share the road with vehicles.

But it looks like a lot of those left turns were illegal... I saw a lot of no left turn signs.


Really, do they NEED to add the fake crash and tire-squeal sounds? I'm certain those onboard cameras don't have microphones (what would be the point? All you'd hear is wind and noise)...


Schlub, they do that to the majority of cam footage on these shows. I find it hilarious when they add squeel effects to cars you see... from the helicopter footage.

Back to the video at hand..i think they ust need to put cow catchers on the trains so the train dosn't need to stop when it plows into a car... imo this is all part of natures way of cleaning the gene pool.

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