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notarobotsays...My favorite part is at 1:22.
Reefiesays...I love the how and why concept, great way to summarise a problem!
honkeytonk73says...In summary... "It's KRRRRRAP."
braindonutsays...I didn't know what he meant with the how vs why bit, but I get him now and that's a great way of looking at it.
kymbossays...Cue thread derailment by Shinyblurry in 3..2..1...
gharksays...0, -1, -2
hpqpsays...excellent sift!
siftbotsays...Tags for this video have been changed from 'billy, connolly, scotland, british, sarah, palin, invisible friends, how, why' to 'billy connolly, scotland, british, sarah palin, invisible friends, how, why' - edited by xxovercastxx
xxovercastxxsays...>> ^kymbos:
Cue thread derailment by Shinyblurry in 3..2..1...
He's already expressed a great dislike for the Catholic church so I doubt he'd mind this video all that much.
shinyblurrysays...I dislike the catholic church as an institution, but not catholics..and it isn't to say there are no Christian catholics..but in any case, what's crap is the attitude problem..civil discourse is already at a minimum in society..but its becoming culturally acceptable to be intolerant towards religious beliefs and christians in general because of inanity like just openly mock and deride people for what they believe..this is just another disrespectful egotist lowering the bar by vomiting up hate speech against people who have faith. if this is all the respect an atheist can come up with for his fellow man, it doesn't go very far in convincing me of his so called superior really just shows the whole ignoble farce for what it is..
Ryjkyjsays...Well I thought he was being pretty civil.
kymbossays...And scene.
That's a wrap everybody!
acidSpinesays...>> ^shinyblurry:
If this is all the respect an atheist can come up with for his fellow man, it doesn't go very far in convincing me of his so called superior really just shows the whole ignoble farce for what it is..
Wait a minute, don't you believe every single human being on the planet is a wretched sinner deserving of eternal damnation?
shinyblurrysays...Man has a fallen nature and sin causes peoples hearts and minds to become deranged.
Jerimiah 17:9
The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?
Mark 7:21-22
For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness.
Romans 3:10
As it is written: "There is no one righteous, not even one;
It only took one sin to cause creation to fall so it isnt a small thing. Anyone who won't turn from their evil deserves what they get.
Paybacksays...You're extremely prideful shinyblurry, only difference with our pride is yours will get you damned. Ours will end when we do. (So will yours, but that's not important right now)
offsetSammysays...I've recently started coming to the conclusion that the old mantra of being respectful of others' beliefs is, as Billy Connolly so eloquently put it, crrrap. It is those very beliefs that start wars, fuel bigotry, encourage tribalism, and foster a mistrust and rejection of science and facts. You believe in a magic man in the sky despite no evidence for it? You want me to believe the earth is only a few thousand years old because you read it in a book, despite every scientific investigation saying otherwise? Your beliefs are laughable and deserve the derision they receive.
That is not to say that you, as a person, don't deserve my respect. Of course we should all be respectful of each others' humanity / existence. We're not all so different, after all. But your beliefs are not you. I'll mock them all I want.
shinyblurrysays...I've seen you mention this several times, as if I am gloating or think I am better than anyone else..I'm not and I don't. These are just the plain facts, that if you refuse to stop doing evil then you are earning condemnation for yourself. I used to be agnostic so I am sympathetic to those who don't know God. I didn't at one time, and neither did I deserve to be saved. I pray that every last one of you is saved.
It's really down to absolute vs relative truth. People who don't believe in God usually don't believe anything is absolutely true so they don't perceive truth to be something tangible, but rather a point of view where everyone gets to be right. So then the bad can become good and the good bad. But good and evil are absolutes, and there aren't any gray areas. CS Lewis said that if you see through everything then the whole world becomes invisible and then you aren't seeing anything at all.
>> ^Payback:
You're extremely prideful shinyblurry, only difference with our pride is yours will get you damned. Ours will end when we do. (So will yours, but that's not important right now)
robbersdog49says...>> ^shinyblurry:
These are just the plain facts, that if you refuse to stop doing evil then you are earning condemnation for yourself.
You might want to look up the definition of 'fact', I'm pretty sure you're not using it correctly.
shinyblurrysays...Yes, all glory to the mother science, the teat of reason. Christianity does a lot of good in this have no idea how much work Christians do in their communities and how much charity work is done, not even counting the missions done in other countries. Atheist dictators killed 10s of millions of people last century..more than the sum total of every religious inspired war, ever. Plenty or reason to mock that insanity. And I believe in God because of personal revelation, and as I've said..I used to be agnostic so I understand (slightly) your point of view, but not your attitude..its all atheists have to say assertion of superiority based on mockery..its worse than a schoolyard. Instead of tearing someone elses beliefs down, why don't you show why yours are supposed to be right..because they haven't done much for your sense of civility >> ^offsetSammy:
I've recently started coming to the conclusion that the old mantra of being respectful of others' beliefs is, as Billy Connolly so eloquently put it, crrrap. It is those very beliefs that start wars, fuel bigotry, encourage tribalism, and foster a mistrust and rejection of science and facts. You believe in a magic man in the sky despite no evidence for it? You want me to believe the earth is only a few thousand years old because you read it in a book, despite every scientific investigation saying otherwise? Your beliefs are laughable and deserve the derision they receive.
That is not to say that you, as a person, don't deserve my respect. Of course we should all be respectful of each others' humanity / existence. We're not all so different, after all. But your beliefs are not you. I'll mock them all I want.
offsetSammysays...What gives you any authority, moral or spiritual, over me? What expert insight do you have that I don't have? How does quoting verses from the bible make any kind of convincing argument whatsoever?
I just love your threatening tone, as if you've seen the light and have witnessed all the baaaad stuff that happens to those who do not see it. You either have a massive superiority complex, are delusional, or both. I'd suggest you're the one that needs to wake up to his 'wicked' ways. Also, your beliefs are crrrrap! Other than that you're probably a pretty nice guy though (actually not being sarcastic).
>> ^shinyblurry:
I'm not trying to win a popularity contest, I am here to save lives. Believe what you will, mock me if you want, but don't pile on more condemnation for yourself.
Galatians 6:7
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
People blasphemy against God and get some sort of wicked thrill out of it but I assure you its not worth it. I highly encourage you to have a sense of self-preservation.
>> ^offsetSammy:
I've recently started coming to the conclusion that the old mantra of being respectful of others' beliefs is, as Billy Connolly so eloquently put it, crrrap. It is those very beliefs that start wars, fuel bigotry, encourage tribalism, and foster a mistrust and rejection of science and facts. You believe in a magic man in the sky despite no evidence for it? You want me to believe the earth is only a few thousand years old because you read it in a book, despite every scientific investigation saying otherwise? Your beliefs are laughable and deserve the derision they receive.
That is not to say that you, as a person, don't deserve my respect. Of course we should all be respectful of each others' humanity / existence. We're not all so different, after all. But your beliefs are not you. I'll mock them all I want.
offsetSammysays...I see shiny edited his post (perhaps after realizing how insane it sounded?) Good thing I quoted it, as it's now preserved on the sift for posterity!
shinyblurrysays...God is the one who holds all the authority. The expert insight I have is called spiritual discernment, and you don't have any. You cannot accept the fact that if the bible is true it means that you are utterly deceived and unable to reason about God. That you reject God out of total ignorance. These truths are spiritually discerned and you don't even know you have one. There is absolute truth, and objective good and evil. Satan rules this world and he has spiritual dominion over anyone who doesn't know God. Satan has legal rights to you because you have rejected your creator. He's in your music, he's in these videos, he is in every lie that has been drilled into your mind about God. That's the bad stuff I am talking about, and I am a witness to this activity. I will continue that witness and pray that you reaize the truth before its too late.
>> ^offsetSammy:
What gives you any authority, moral or spiritual, over me? What expert insight do you have that I don't have? How does quoting verses from the bible make any kind of convincing argument whatsoever?
I just love your threatening tone, as if you've seen the light and have witnessed all the baaaad stuff that happens to those who do not see it. You either have a massive superiority complex, are delusional, or both. I'd suggest you're the one that needs to wake up to his 'wicked' ways. Also, your beliefs are crrrrap! Other than that you're probably a pretty nice guy though (actually not being sarcastic).
>> ^shinyblurry:
I'm not trying to win a popularity contest, I am here to save lives. Believe what you will, mock me if you want, but don't pile on more condemnation for yourself.
Galatians 6:7
Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
People blasphemy against God and get some sort of wicked thrill out of it but I assure you its not worth it. I highly encourage you to have a sense of self-preservation.
>> ^offsetSammy:
I've recently started coming to the conclusion that the old mantra of being respectful of others' beliefs is, as Billy Connolly so eloquently put it, crrrap. It is those very beliefs that start wars, fuel bigotry, encourage tribalism, and foster a mistrust and rejection of science and facts. You believe in a magic man in the sky despite no evidence for it? You want me to believe the earth is only a few thousand years old because you read it in a book, despite every scientific investigation saying otherwise? Your beliefs are laughable and deserve the derision they receive.
That is not to say that you, as a person, don't deserve my respect. Of course we should all be respectful of each others' humanity / existence. We're not all so different, after all. But your beliefs are not you. I'll mock them all I want.
shinyblurrysays...I decided to try a different tact with you; I am not ashamed of my beliefs.
>> ^offsetSammy:
I see shiny edited his post (perhaps after realizing how insane it sounded?) Good thing I quoted it, as it's now preserved on the sift for posterity!
kymbossays...Keep saving lives, friend.
siftbotsays...This video has been declared non-functional; embed code must be fixed within 2 days or it will be sent to the dead pool - declared dead by Skeeve.
siftbotsays...Awarding radx with one Power Point for fixing this video's dead embed code.
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