Back to the Future 1 and 2 comparison

Examination of the remakes of the same scenes from Back to the Future 1 and 2.

So the moral of the story is: when you time travel, your girlfriend gets slightly hotter and more famous.

That's neat and all, I guess, don't get me wrong. But what exactly is the point.. wasn't the intention of that scene in Back to the Future 2 meant to be as close as possible to the original?


Well, I guess the point is that it is interesting when you need to re-create something completely and this shows how close (or not close in some cases) they came to it.


I always just assumed that the footage from the second movie was taken from the first movie. It didn't occur to me that the actress changed, so of course they would have had to re-film it. I guess I'm not that observant (of faces, or of names for that matter). Thanks, that was fun!


Claudia Wells is 10x hotter than Elizabeth Shue. You're right about the more famous part tho...

I understand Claudia wasn't in BTTF 2&3 because she devoted her time to caring for her mother who developed cancer.

Oh what might have been...


Wow.... did not know.

also.. hotter? They look pretty much the same.

I'm looking at a freeze frame at 1:25 and see no way that one could be considered hotter than the other..


I'm into the first one more than the second one. Perhaps the biggest shortcoming of these awesome films was that the girlfriend wasn't really that hot.


It's going to be 2015 in just about five years. Where is my hoverboard? Where are my flying cars and my reverse shrinky-dink pizzas? What about that shark hologram and the self drying, self tailoring jacket? And for god sake, my plastic vest that makes chicken noises?!

All that stuff somehow seemed reasonable to me when I was a kid.


>> ^AeroMechanical:
It's going to be 2015 in just about five years. Where is my hoverboard? Where are my flying cars and my reverse shrinky-dink pizzas? What about that shark hologram and the self drying, self tailoring jacket? And for god sake, my plastic vest that makes chicken noises?!
All that stuff somehow seemed reasonable to me when I was a kid.

No need for all this crap! Now you have The Internets, the iPhone, and Twitter!!

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