AoC - Good times with a horse

None shall pass!


I'm actually playing AoC right now, and unfortunately unless you're loaded with cash, which...being as it's two weeks old, you won't be. That's probably the BEST use for a mount i've seen yet.


This makes me so pleased that WoW doesn't have physics like this

It doesn't have 'knock-back' in any of it's character abilities, but there were similar methods to get people off cliffs. Until some months back, Shadow Priests could Mind Control people off ledges, but they removed that ability.

I'm sure AoC will balance this in due course.


no, no they didn't remove it. I belive MC idstance was shortened and if you die under mc you dont lose durability, but priest are still free to mc enemies off cliff and through portals.


The way this works is Age of Conan has made it so you CANNOT pass through another player in the game, that's for realism, Thus why they have to go behind the horse.

The horse can use the knockback because that's how mounted combat works, it's not actually physics, if they were on level ground it would only kick him back about 3 feet.

This is also impossible to do on a PvE server... It's reasons like this that it's near impossible to level on a PvP server. You zone in somewhere, your avatar goes first, and you're ganked. You rez, and at the rez point your avatar goes up first...


>> ^Shepppard:
The way this works is Age of Conan has made it so you CANNOT pass through another player in the game, that's for realism, Thus why they have to go behind the horse.
The horse can use the knockback because that's how mounted combat works, it's not actually physics, if they were on level ground it would only kick him back about 3 feet.
This is also impossible to do on a PvE server... It's reasons like this that it's near impossible to level on a PvP server. You zone in somewhere, your avatar goes first, and you're ganked. You rez, and at the rez point your avatar goes up first...

You lost me at hello.

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