Anonymous Protests Scientology Worldwide

News coverage of the Feb 10 protest at Church of Scientology locations in Canada and around the world.

{see inside for more videos!}
Anonymous held protests around the world on February 10, 2008. Turnout was 50-200 people at each location, totaling an estimated 4000 protesters worldwide.

I was glad to take part in the local protest here in Kitchener. The Church actually called the police about 20 minutes into the protest and told them we were harassing people leaving the Church.

Here's the flaw in that statement: I was there from the start, and for two and a half hours, and not one person left that damn building. Luckily someone there was recording the whole thing.


Protesters singing "Scientology is Going down" in Montreal:
and a longer user video:

L.A. protesters chanting:
ex-Scientologists respond:

News coverage of Atlanta protest:
Protester video of Atlanta protest:

Orlando protesters sing "Amazing Xenu":

Scientology Protest in DC gets RICK ROLLED:

Edited video of Dallas protest:

News coverage of Austin protest:
(cyberterrorists lol)

Houston news coverage:

News coverage of Adelaide protest:

A modest turnout in snowy Pittsburgh:

Battle horn sounds in Charlotte, NC:

Fox news coverage of Farmington Hills:

Winnipeg protesters braved -50deg C with windchill:
News coverage:

Anonymous Press Release:

More videos and many photos here:


All this coverage is great for Anonymous. The average person doesn't look at this and think Scientology is being violated, I hope.... If people actually take 5 minutes to research Scientology and it's history before joining the church they'll realize how ridiculous it is.

P.S. On a related note: In my previous paragraph where I typed "Scientology" Firefox was kind enough to mark it a spelling error because it wasn't capitalized. I don't really know what to think of that.


WTG Anonymous.

While I think you people need to spend less time at a computer and more outside or with girls, I laud your commitment and your ballsiness.

Go get 'em!

PS - It would be cool to see "Anonymous" T-Shirts around. Just sayin...


these are cumulative effort attacks; anonymous can be anyone with a computer and a web connection... a t-shirt or even an armband would be more of a distraction.

... MAYBE if they all wore McDonalds or WalMart t-shirts, that would make some degree of sense.


Tags for this video have been changed from 'tom cruise, anonymous, 4chan, ctv news, quebec, protest, guy fawkes' to 'tom cruise, anonymous, 4chan, ctv news, quebec, protest, guy fawkes, chanology' - edited by jwray


Hopefully this fervor and enthusiasm will have an effect, and the same amount of energy will be directed towards national protests of the U.S. political system......this election year is about as fucking contrived and illusory and as effective at achieving unilateral results as Hubbard's brainchild.....

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