Alan Grayson: Fox and Republicans "The Enemies Of America"

Alan Grayson says some stuff that no one really cares about because OMG ITS A PINK TIE AND A BROWN SWEATER!

Is he wearing his tie OUTSIDE HIS SWEATER? This guy really is dangerous.


So, the Republicans, Fox News, and conservatives, are allowed to act mean, and draconian, without an ounce of responisbility for their actions. Well saw just over the summer, how responsible they are with power, with all the town meeting 'shocking matchs'. In addition, the small buzz words like 'Death Panel' and 'Socialized Heathcare'. Mr. Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, O'Reilly, Miss Coulter, ARE, the representatives of the Republican party. While Mr. Obama, Reid, Madam Pelosi, and Ted Kennedy (May he rest in peace!), are (or were) representatives of the Democratic party.

Which of those two groups, can be held FULLY accountable for what they say and do in our country?

I dont think the word 'Bully', correctly the actions and words of the representatives of the Republicans are doing (and there mini---er---coworkers). Being an Oppressor? Tormentor? Intimidator? They are NOT, the sort of words you want your philosophy or concept of goverment to be thought of as. Heck, when looking up the other synonym's of the word 'Bully', is 'Terrorist', 'tyrant', 'ruffian', and 'buffalo'! (buffalo?)

As with Mr. Grayson, its custum to wear the tie, UNDER, the sweater, when a sweater is worn, with a jacket. Wearing without a tie, would have word just the same. Its a custom irregularity that we Americans might seem alittle strange.


Well, since things are going to hell, and taxocraps are running the show, it's more believable this fat-faced loudmouth along with the tax cheats, maoists, race-baiters and other incumbent incompetents are to blame. Oh, and the idiots who voted for a Teleprompteresident.


quantumushroom, do you have anything to add that isn't a bunch of angry name calling? It's almost like you're an example of the bullies he was talking about in the video.


>> ^quantumushroom:
Well, since things are going to hell, and taxocraps are running the show, it's more believable this fat-faced loudmouth along with the tax cheats, maoists, race-baiters and other incumbent incompetents are to blame. Oh, and the idiots who voted for a Teleprompteresident.


Your post made me imagine a fat crying toddler screaming and crying and calling another kid poopyface.

Being that civil must be downright painful.


You might think Fox News has a bigger audience because that is what the mainstream media (who are also in the pockets of the rich few) would like the public to believe. Two scales:

What rich fat cats want us to believe:


NPR = Public Radio
MM = Mainstream Media
FN = Fox News

Fox News exists to make the Mainstream Media seem more balanced and to make NPR seem too lefty.
I listen to hours of npr every day and they have slowly been moving away from catering to the public and are now starting to seem quite the corporate supporters and still teabaggers would consider npr lefty propaganda. The only reason they think that is because of how crazy to the right FN and MM are.


>> ^swedishfriend:
You might think Fox News has a bigger audience because that is what the mainstream media (who are also in the pockets of the rich few) would like the public to believe. Two scales:
What rich fat cats want us to believe:
NPR = Public Radio
MM = Mainstream Media
FN = Fox News
Fox News exists to make the Mainstream Media seem more balanced and to make NPR seem too lefty.
I listen to hours of npr every day and they have slowly been moving away from catering to the public and are now starting to seem quite the corporate supporters and still teabaggers would consider npr lefty propaganda. The only reason they think that is because of how crazy to the right FN and MM are.

Where would you put Air America on your chart?

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