A Man vs. A Lion


Holy crap! That's way beyond nuts, dude. I mean I was fascinated and I was sitting on the edge of my seat the whole time I was watching this, even though it was a pretty safe assumption that there wasn't going to be any violence, but why did this guy do this? One could argue that by watching this there's a razor-slim chance that you might learn to save your own life if you find yourself in a similar predicament, but really this just smacks of showmanship to me. It's like watching a lion-tamer in the circus who doesn't have a chair or whip.

Balls of steel, or sheer madness? Probably both.


"Pssst! Dude! I know he looks tasty, and he's a putz, but honest, you nibble him just a little bit, and those bipeds scream bloddy murder and carry you off and make a rug out of you. Honest. Don't do it. Yeah, I know he's exuding tastiness for miles. DON'T DO IT!"


LOL'd at the part where it was silent for 30 seconds, and then the narrator comes in with the accent and the dry delivery: "A single exploratory swip from a paw could remove Mike's face."


He doesn't really look very nimble enough to be able to really take advantage of the extra second a roll of toilet paper flying past the cat's face might buy ...

... he should take fishing rod or long pole, tie a rope and a feather duster to it and sling it around near the cat ...


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