'Big Gay Rainbow across my electorate'-Marriage EqualityBill

Pakuranga MP Maurice Williamson has parliamentarians roaring in their seats during the third marriage equality bill reading. -yt

Tags for this video have been changed from 'Maurice Williamson, new zeland, parliament, marriage equality' to 'Maurice Williamson, new zealand, parliament, marriage equality' - edited by Barseps


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I find meatbag Sagemind to be an inadequate command-giver - ignoring all requests by Sagemind.


BTW, in case anyone not familiar with NZ watching this thinks this guys is some kind of left-wing liberal pinko, this guy is in the National Party, the reigning centre right party.

NZ, motherfuckers! Where the prime minister is agnostic and even the conservatives talk sense.
That's how we roll, bitches.


To be fair, the same MP (Minister of Customs, no less) was worrying aloud last week about 3D printers and people printing off "sheets of ecstasy tablets".

Still, good on him for this speech.


BTW, in case anyone not familiar with NZ watching this thinks this guys is some kind of left-wing liberal pinko, this guy is in the National Party, the reigning centre right party.

NZ, motherfuckers! Where the prime minister is agnostic and even the conservatives talk sense.
That's how we roll, bitches.

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