$825,000 After Police Beat, Tase, Pepper Spray Diabetic

A man with diabetes will receive hundreds of thousands of dollars from Commerce City after officers beat, tased and pepper sprayed him mistakenly believing he was driving drunk.
It appears they decided to go full Rodney King because he didn’t respect their “authoritah” and follow directions…he didn’t fight them at all he went limp and fetal unable to understand or comply. The abuses continued even after the man was able to tell them he was in diabetic shock because they were angry and didn’t consider the possibility he might be telling the truth.
He will be traumatized for life, likely have physical disabilities, and eventually might get $825000 of taxpayers money the city will now have to do without. The police that turned to violence before any investigation got a paid vacation and bonus overtime pay.

Both too low to make up for the abuse and too high for the public to pay.

These settlements should come from the police pension fund and payroll, not the general fund until the pension fund is empty and payroll a bare minimum. Police might police themselves if they paid a price….they have proven they won’t if they don’t.


$825K is too low.


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